Antique Incubator

It's Sunny Creek Farm.218 253 have nationwide locations.They do not list baby mammoth,but you don't know until you ask.
In N.H.,Tony.
Thanks for the info Tony. It might come in handy. I hope they get back to me and I can get it! Luckily our tax returns just came in... so this could be our one special tax return gift to ourselves if we get a chance to buy it. Uhg... now I want it so badly.
If it's sold.I have a sports 1202 and an old montgomery ward,both 500 egg.The sportsmen has auto turner,the wards has a slide screen to turn them.
In N.H.,Tony.
I just got a reply from the seller and the incubator is still available! I didn't get a lot of info though (the seller doesn't seem too communicative by email) so I asked him to give me a call so we could talk about it.
I can't wait to find out if I'll be able to afford this! I guess it's wicked heavy though and the seller thinks we'll need at least 4 people to get it out of his basement. So it sounds like if I do get it it will turn into quite an adventure.
Absolutely get it if you can! This is one of those finds that you just shouldn't pass up if you can afford to get it! (I would be one of those people who would buy it without a 2nd thought if it were in my price range!)


So I got a little more info. The seller says that it's 500 watts 115 volt and 1/3hp. I don't really understand what that means, but my fiance says that we should be able to just plug it in as long as everything is working.

I offered $100, which I know is incredibly low, but it's all we're comfortable spending since we have a wedding coming up to pay for.

Hopefully we'll hear from the seller tonight! I'll let you know as soon as I hear.

I'm just wondering, how does the temperature control work on an incubator like this?
very nice incubator, it once had it's prime, hopefully you can get it back up and running, it can see a new day again hahaha, (the incubator doesn't have a mind) lol
So I finally heard back from the seller on Friday night saying if we were willing to do $150 we could have it. He said he just really needs the money and wants it gone this weekend. So I email back and say "ok, where are you located and when would be a good time?" It's now Sunday afternoon and this guy lives 3 hours away and he still hasn't gotten back to us. He only has a couple more hours if he wants us to buy it this weekend. I don't understand how he plans on selling it this weekend if he sends an email on Friday and then doesn't check his emails again until the weekend is over.

This is so frustrating! I really want this incubator, and after weeks of very slow negotiation by email I thought we were almost there...
After a month of negotiation I finally got my incubator (ended up paying $125 for it). The thing is huuuuge. Literally 5 feet deep and 5 feet high. I can't even imagine how many chicks I could hatch in here at a time. The thing was a complete beast to get out of the basement it was in, but it's in beautiful condition and still has the instruction manual with it. It was last used in the 1950s but seems to have everything a modern-day incubator has. You can fill the humidity from the outside, it has a turner (not sure if it's somehow automatic or not yet... I need to look at it a little more) and it has a really cool fan. Right now it's in a friends truck since it takes about 5 people to move, but once I get it all set up I'll take lots of pictures.
I'm so excited!

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