Any diseases, worms, virus, etc that can be IN the eggs?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Feb 15, 2007
Hey all,

No, I'm not a hypochondriac!
I'm just wondering if my chickens were to contract something , is there anything that can get in the eggs that could cause concern as long as the eggs are cooked? I really don't want to find a worm in the apple so to speak!
I let my chickens free range during the day and keep them away from the bird feeders best I can, but we have a ton of song birds, (heck even the hawks scratch around with the neighbors chickens!).

On the subject of cooking, how cooked do eggs have to be to burn up any bad stuff, sunny side up out of the question?

I read that there is a very fine white worm that can end up in the egg if your hens have a severe infection of that type of worm. Uuuuggghh. I forget what it was, and I distinctly recall that it is visible to the naked eye- and more importantly that your hen will almost certainly be visibly sick before you could find an egg with such a dreadful surprise. Close adherance to good hen health would prevent this.

E. coli can be in the eggs, but again this is a health issue for hen and egg alike. I'm sure the USDA website has a wealth of info on that subject!

If a hen has a huge gutload of roundworms, then they MIGHT show up in an egg, but she'd show signs before that became the case.
If you think back to the 60's or earlier, we're lucky to be alive. We were smoked around, had bacon fried in fat, buttered everything we could and then some, and never sat in a car seat. We chomped on lead paint and probably inhaled asbestos too.
I wouldn't be too worried...and have them sunnyside up on toast with lots of butter.
I'm more concerned with what my friends would think if they found a surprise in an egg I give them.
I'm used to seeing parasites on fish, and I still eat sushi
(hard for a parasite to make the jump from fish to human).
I'm going ot mix in a little DE as a worm preventative, though I would prefer to do ths same thing I do with our pets. I worm our dog and cats on a preventative schedule, but from what I understand I can't use wormer on the chickens while they are laying. Is this correct?

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Just last Friday the Doc told me, no bacon, eggs, whole milk, butter and like. Well, I go back a lot before the sixties, and eat lead paint, made asbestos snowballs while in the Navy, still smoke, road in the back of a pickup, (hell there was even seat belts in the cars then). Now if I was to find a worm in my eggs, I have to eat it too, more protein. Well doc when I go, I want it to be with bacon & eggs, fry the taters in the bacon grease, with a big glass of cold milk. PLEASE LORD let me have that one last smoke.
lol Spottedcow and panner! You sound like my new fave country song!
I grew up then too (late 70s though) and its amazing we're still here. In our state (Wisconsin) they've passed a law saying that kids up to 60 pounds or 4'8" tall need to be in a booster seat. My poor daughter is 8 1/2, 54" tall and weighs NOTHING (about 45 pounds). I'm sorry, but I just cant see strapping my THIRD GRADER in a baby seat! lol Under 4 I can understand, but once they're in school and lawfully able to ride a school bus, isnt it asking a little much to reduce their pride by forcing them to ride in a booster seat when they're with mom and dad? I think its just silly! Guess I'll get a ticket, cuz I just wont subject my kid to that! lol Speaking of, I once took my daughter to the playground when she was about 2. She wanted to taste sand appearantly and popped a handful into her mouth. Another mother comes running over with her baby wipes and first aid kit cursing at me for letting her eat sand! (She of course had spat it out right away and drank from her sippy cup afterwards and then continued playing) I tried to tell the lady that if we dont expose our kids to things, one day they will get REALLY sick and no medicine or baby wipe will help them. I firmly believe that our nation over-medicates, and wrongfully diagnoses things like ADHD when more often its just kids being kids. Goodness, just how DID us older ones make it here alive without all this nonsence?
Here's to getting back to a more simple time and letting kids get DIRTY!
lol Spottedcow and panner! You sound like my new fave country song! I grew up then too (late 70s though) and its amazing we're still here. In our state (Wisconsin) they've passed a law saying that kids up to 60 pounds or 4'8" tall need to be in a booster seat. My poor daughter is 8 1/2, 54" tall and weighs NOTHING (about 45 pounds). I'm sorry, but I just cant see strapping my THIRD GRADER in a baby seat! lol

hi 4h , lol about the car seat. i think it is a federal law, or that is what i understand from the commercials here. my second to oldest according to height , should be in a booster seat! and she is going in 3rd grade! what a hoot! they don't even have seat belts on school buses here! i have that arguement with my husband, he won't usually wear a seat belt but it is the law, he brings up the school buses not having them. and he says if it is your time to go seat belt or not will not save you. but i argue back what if it is not your time to go and you end up a vegetable state on all kind of machines? and that could be prevented by a seat belt?there is no winning with him! they had a car crash this weekend two were not wearing a seat belt on was and the seat belt person lived, the other two died
4H kids and mom, Oh man, don't get me started on over medicating the kids.... i am the coordinator for my 7 year olds cubscout day camp and have had to collect medical forms. Out of 10 kids, 8 are on various meds for adhd and Bi-polar disorder. The kids are 6 and 7, how can they be diagnosed bipolar? Unreal. If you read the symptoms of both of these online, they are any child. Especially boys! My god, as a creative, got bored easily child, I would have been on meds if it was the trend at that time. Anyone can make a case for their child to need meds, if they go complain enough and don't want to deal with parenting. As a teacher who substitutes at the moment, i see kids that are considered adhd or special ed that are typical kids that got pushed into a category because their parents expected a mini adult to come out of the womb and don't want to take responsibility for the parenting or lack there of. Isn't it much easier to say, oh my child is on medication for this or that than saying, I never taught my child how to act in public. Or I never bring anything to keep my child occupied so he doesn't get bored. Ok, enough...I'm sorry. Let me get down off my soap box now....
Car seats... in Pa it is 8 and 80 lbs! How ridiculous is that? I would have been in a car seat through 7 grade when I weighed 78lbs. Absurd!

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