Any garlic growers here?

I planted garlic for the first time this past fall. I'm excited to see how it does. I'm inspired by the harvests that I've seen in this thread.
Where did you find your elephant garlic? I would love to grow some but haven't seen any in this neck of the woods.

I bought all my garlic (Elephant and White) at Publix grocery store.
I also plan to buy some of their little bitty blue taters to plant, some ginger and horseradish.
Not sure about where you live, but up here in Canada, I pull them out around first of Aug, then clean, cure(hang) in a dark room. then around mid sept I pull them apart and plant in loomy soil(well composted manure) and then wait till spring, then pick the scapes...(tops that turn to seed) and let the rest mature till mid Aug again. Then do it all over again,

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