Any Generation X ers here?

Humm hard question. I don’t like that my small town I grew up in has grown into a “town” of thousands of people. I liked it when we had campfires with all our old friends. That small town feeling is now gone. We miss our old friends.:(
I guess it’s been the opposite for me. The city I grew up in was never the greatest, but it’s basically become a ghost town. First the mall closed, then other businesses. It’s sad to watch a while city deteriorate.
Any stores or other companies you wish were still open? I loved going to blockbuster . . . at least there’s still one left.
My mom used to work at Zayre back in the day. I remember being very young and having to go pick her up after her late shift. Now, my mom and dad had 6 girls and only one car. So my dad loaded all 6 of us up in our candy striped van and we picked our mom up from work. The manager let us in the store after it was closed(which we thought was pretty neat) and asked us to help him out by going to get the shopping carts from the parking lot. So, we ran all over in the dark and got all the carts. As a thank you, the manager gave each of us a full sized candy bar of our choice! Man, that was like Christmas morning. Good times, good times

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