Any idea what types of Chickens these are?


In the Brooder
May 12, 2023
Hey everyone! First time here. My family just got our first four Chicks from a friend who’s daughter hatched them for their first grade project. They already had a large flock so we took a few. I’m pretty sure one is an EE and one is a Langshan. However the two yellow/white ones I have no clue. They’re about 4 weeks old and all were hatched from brown, blue or green eggs. Thank you in advance! We love having them, my daughters enjoy watching them!
I think most if not all of them are mixed breeds. That is what you usually get from classroom hatching projects.

The white one could be a Leghorn or white Plymouth rock mix. It has green legs, so maybe mixed with an Easter egger.

The black and white one has fuzzy cheeks so is probably an Easter egger.

The silvery one with the white tummy is mixed as well, and definitely a boy.
Thank you for the reply! I figured they
I think most if not all of them are mixed breeds. That is what you usually get from classroom hatching projects.

The white one could be a Leghorn or white Plymouth rock mix. It has green legs, so maybe mixed with an Easter egger.

The black and white one has fuzzy cheeks so is probably an Easter egger.

The silvery one with the white tummy is mixed as well, and definitely a boy.
were most likely mixed, either way we’re excited to have them.

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