Any Ideas on week old chicks


11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
Clay, Alabama
Hey, guys! I think I'm losing my mind....never mind what my hubby thinks....I am up hatching 11 Marans and 3 Buff Orpington tonight (hopefully that many
), but when I stopped by the new Tractor Supply store in town this afternoon I bought 4 adorable little black chicks from the Straight Run bin. Just couldn't help myself

I've never bought chicks that I didn't know exactly what breed they were, so I've narrowed down my best guesses to Barred Hollands or Barred Plymouth Rocks. What do you guys think?





Love this little dot below the eye

Not sure but if you look at the wing feathering. The darker ones in this breed are usally hens and the lighters ones are roos. Hope that helps.
Which breed are you referring to? I'm not sure what you mean...

All of these may not even be the same breed
It was from a bin with about 30 chicks in it--all the rest were completely blond and the lady said she figured they would be Leghorns, but she wasn't sure about these 4 black ones that were left.

I emailed Tractor Supply to see if I could get a list of the possible breeds, but I'm not expecting much there.
I bought a few too last TSC
and they looked the same but had tiny feathers on their legs
after another few weeks.
I now have feathered legged black bantys. but some are pretty good size.
excellent layers and sitters. from 5 hens and a roo
last year I now have 47 LOL
Sorry its late so forgive me I was reffering to barred rocks which is the breed I would guess all the pics are of. If any are missing the light dot on top the head then I am wrong on those but hard to tell with little pics but all look to be same breed to me. They are commomly sold at TSC
Jeff9118: Yes, it was late--you hung there later than I did. Thanks for clarifying.

You can click on them for a bigger photo, but they all have some variation of a light patch on the top of the head. The first two with the more defined stripes on the wings have bolder patches of blonde while the last two that are almost completely black have very faint blonde patches.

And basically you saying that the first two are probably roos and the last two are probably hens??

Sissy: When you say "Bantys", that is short for bantams, right? These aren't supposed to be bantams....I hope. I'll have no place to keep smaller chickens. I hope to work these into my regular laying flock of standard size Cochins, Brahmas, & Leghorns.

edited to fix typos :)
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Yeppers! I think we've got Barred if we can luck out to all hens!

Thanks for the input!

edited to finish sentence...fingers got ahead of my brain--LOL
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