Any other Cloth Diapering families?

Yep, cloth almost 100%. We are broke so my first stash I bartered for (40 pounds homegrown pork) and the second stash (large size) I got for free off of Craigslist. There are so many different kids, but mostly prefolds. I also have tons of woolies my babe hasn't grown into yet.

I too love hanging the dipes up on the line. It is the most satisfying happy chore, a pretty reminder that I have a baby in the house.
I was blessed to have a diaper service (don't know if they do that nowadays). Cloth diapers were delivered to my house and the soiled diapers taken away. It was wonderful. I preferred to have the soft cloth against my child's bum instead of the itchy scratchy stuff the disposable diapers were made of.

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