Anybody down for a Louisiana meet?

chickenlittle, I think we decided on the 13th....I have a baby shower to go to the 6th and a wedding to go to the 20th and I'll be out of town the last weekend. SSssssooooooo it's either that weekend or wait till July, and I don't wanna wait!

So I live in Denham Springs, and I can PM everyone with directions in a day or two.
We need to decide on a time, and if everyone will bring something to munch on, or at least what we'll eat. I'm thinking probably around noon until I chase y'all off? That way we can eat lunch and get to having fun.
Everyone can bring chickens/eggs/whatever to buy/sell/trade, plus any other crafty stuff you might have.
And we can sit around and talk, eat, watch the kids play, do plucker demos, pet chickens, whatever y'all want to do. My son is 3 1/2, so I have lots of little kid toys, and I have a few bigger bikes, I'll see if I can get my hands on a water slide. We can do an egg hunt. Plus I have 2 TV's with DVD player if your kids are antisocial

Any other ideas are welcome!
Okay the 13th it is! Can't wait, I'll bring the wife, our son (who got us started) and our 8yr old granddaughter. You wanna do pot-luck or maybe hamburgers and hot dogs? Either is fine or a combo. I'm pretty sure my e-mail is visible, but maybe you oughta talk to the boss; PonchiePeeps. She's emailable and PM as well (I just checked). Looking forward to it!

Ok, lets discuss.... we can do either dogs or burgers or both. My grill is small, but it looks like we'll have a small group anyway. I'm craving banana pudding, so I'll do that. Y'all want potato salad or baked beans or anything?
Can't wait to meet y'all!!
I honestly am not sure if we can make it or not...we have been working ALOT and may or may not have a job. Not really complaining just tired...we are working as much as we can bc we are going on vac in July...each lil bit helps....
bstarr I'm off Arnold Rd up by Watson...I'll send out directions next weekend to everyone who says they're coming.
Chickenlittle, i hear ya on the work thing, these days you gotta take where you can get it. I hope you can try to make it, I'd love to meet you.
Hey Phoebe!

I meant to respond sooner! Yes, I want to be there and so do a couple of my chicken friends that just got started (I gave a couple of chickens to this Easter). I had mentioned the meetup to them and they just called and wanted to know more details so I signed on to read up.

I do work that morning, so unless I can reschedule one of my later appointments, I won't get done till about 1:30pm... but I'm gonna try to move that appointment to another day cause I don't want to miss everybody.

How many head count or families have you figured so far? If my friends bring their kids it will be 5 of us. I can bring a potluck dish and I'll let them know too... I'll call you so we can update.
Leigh Anne;)
Hey Leigh Anne!
I PM'd everybody, so I should know fairly soon who will make it..I'm excited!

I let everyone know we had burgers, buns and banana pudding spoken for! Anything anyone wants to add will be welcome!
Please let me know where? I'm a pre-chicken newbie, buying a house and planning on a wee backyard flock in New Orleans.

I don't know if I'm going to make it, but I *did* just spend all weekend in donaldsonville at No Problem Raceway, so the Man owes me a weekend of horse shows and chicken socials.

I live in Denham Springs, so from New Orleans it's about 45 min to an hour if you take 55......You're welcome to come, we're gonna hang out, talk chicken, swap, trade, steal, whatever we need to do .....heehee just kiddin! But I will have some mutt babies for sale or give away, haven't decided,and EE babies, and my friend has silkies. SO we may be able to help you along with starting the flock.
We have a plucker my hubby built, so we can demo it, we'll have an egg hunt for the kiddos, and I'm trying to get my hands on a waterslide, Oh and food, if you want to bring something. I'll PM you.

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