Anybody have a good Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion chart they can share?


Free Ranging
7 Years
Apr 30, 2017
...unapologetic Jersey Girl...
My Coop
My Coop
First time hatcher here, and of course my incubator is in Celsius. I'm getting a backup hygrometer/thermometer for it, but was wondering if anyone had a chart they could share for quick reference, to compare? I know how to convert, but that is way too much math and hassle for me, lol!

Thanks in advance. :)
I just type into Google "temperature conversion" and one pops up on the search results page. Just put your number into either box and it converts it. Very useful for those of us who use Celsius but are trying to explain something to someone who works in Fahrenheit.
I just type into Google "temperature conversion" and one pops up on the search results page. Just put your number into either box and it converts it. Very useful for those of us who use Celsius but are trying to explain something to someone who works in Fahrenheit.

That's cool, thanks! I just want something I can print out and have by my 'bator for a quick view. But I will use that if I can't find anything, that's a really good idea. :)
An upgrade will assist in your chicken keeping hobby in so many ways... converting temperatures, areas, volumes and the best bit you can get the BYC app haha!! Have I convinced you?

Nope! :D My phone bill is only 25 bucks a month; if I got a smartphone, it would be at least $75/month. I don't do social media (and god knows I'm online just with BYC and my chicken addiction way too much) so I can't justify the extra money it would cost!

Of course, everybody has a great time making fun of me when I whip that baby out and start triple tapping on the keys to text....

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