Anybody have any howling dogs?

Bigtom Turkey

Nov 29, 2020
I have a German shepherd lab mix, who will howl most nights at the coyotes. Over these last few months he has really perfected is howl to very wolf like. I am just wondering if anybody else has dogs that howl.
Does it sound like a howl? Or like a prolonged bark? Buddy started like a really long bark and then (like a rooster leaning to crow) got better and better and now it sounds like there as a timber wolf on our porch.
Does it sound like a howl? Or like a prolonged bark? Buddy started like a really long bark and then (like a rooster leaning to crow) got better and better and now it sounds like there as a timber wolf on our porch.
Yes. Very. Sometimes it starts out with him whinning and he goes into a howl. He does, rarely, bark with his howl, but that's usually when there's a sound he's annoyed by. (For whatever reason car alarms get him to howl?) He's very good at howling, and howl's at least once everyday, and often a few times a day.
During coyote breeding season he'll howl every night sometimes for twenty mins at a time.
Wow, cool! The coyotes are too far away for my dog to hear. But I do occasionally hear people's dogs in the distance howling to them. Maybe they're howling to them? Someone that lives over there has said that he hears the coyotes.

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