Anybody have this record beat??

Both of mine laid at twenty weeks and now it has been months since ANY of my girls have laid!!! Chickens like to keep us on our toes i guess~
We have a red-sex link one of two from the same hatch who has never laid anything. The other one has been laying for over 5 months consistantly, the weird thing is that she squats every time you get near her.... but NOOOOO eggs.

Silly chickies.
LOL! Yeah she will be my flock mascot. I have 3 others who are laying almost daily, along with a Rhode Island Red and another Easter Egger, but the RIR may not have been in the right bin so I really don't know what she is lol!

I definately won't cull Munk, she is a total sweetheart and loves being held. Can't beat that!
But I would like some more layers I think if she is gunna be a freeloader
I have a Black Sex Link that will be a year old end of this month, nothing. I mean nada, zilch, zip! She has never grown a comb or wattles. She is the same size as her sister chicken, both came from Ideal hatchery. I guess she will always be my special needs girl.
Are you absolutely sure she's not hiding a nest somewhere??

I had an EE that I swore wasn't laying eggs and the kids finally found a nest deep in the woods (far from the coop) that had over 2 dozen eggs in it. Then when we found her stash, she stopped laying. Then a month later, I found another absolutely hidden nest chock full of eggs. She never went broody, just liked hiding her eggs and hiding them well.
i have a leg horn lets just say yall are luck you could get somthing off of yours i have a few 5 day oldcornish cosses and they weigh more lol
i have a RIR bantam thats about a year old, and she just started laying about a month or so ago. i have a cochin who was same age and she layed last year, but little red held out til this year!
I am for sure there are no hidden nests. I have a urban backyard (not tiny but certainly urban size) and Munk (bird in question) is attached to the hip of my flock leader Joon. I am sure there are no hidden nests. Munk has a comb, and it's as red as any I have seen, but it has been for a loong time. She has squatted two or three times for me, but still nothing. Her "soul friend-mate" Joon has been laying since Janurary, and the other two I have are laying also. Munk will lay next to the nest while Joon lays her egg, but that's as close as she gets lol.

Ah well, I love her regardless. Hopefully I will have a few more to bring up the egg count. Right now we are still burning through the eggs we get, so I want two or three more that lay (hopefully LOL)

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