Anyone else setting eggs this weekend? 8-3-12?

I just candled & have about 11 I'm iffy about, so I'm gonna wait til next week & see if there's any development.

I think it is hard when they are less than a week old to really tell...especially if the egg is dark. I have a bunch of really dark eggs, BCM and Partridge Penedesencas...I may not even try to candle them. I think I will candle on Friday or Friday night. :)
There will be more to see and easier to tell if they are alive if you wait till at least day 7-8. I like to look at them at day 14 or so...that is when you can usually see a lot of movement, sometimes even a foot move. They are usually quite active and you know for sure if it is alive. :)
hi just got some news that's a bit of a worry ,electricity is to be cut off on the day i'm due to lockdown for a pole replacement ,will be off for 4 hrs .should be able to hold temp with coverings but worried about humidity &air flow,
I placed in the incubator 12 Japanese Black Tailed eggs on 8/2. I'm a little behind but I would like to join in on this hatch. I have tried incubating once before and had no luck, hope this one goes better. I need all the support and advice I can get.
5 out of my first 6 shipped eggs are doing fabulous! Now let's hope I can hatch them all and not ruin my other 12 with a staggered hatch!
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hi just got some news that's a bit of a worry ,electricity is to be cut off on the day i'm due to lockdown for a pole replacement ,will be off for 4 hrs .should be able to hold temp with coverings but worried about humidity &air flow,
Can you move them to another house? If my power ever goes out, I'd run to my parents house 10 minutes away!
I have read on here several times of people losing power for hours. If it is only going to be 4 hours, I wouldn't worry about. Just don't open it at all. From what I have read, the hatching will be delayed the number of hours the temp was not held. My incubator has a cooling off period that starts on day 7 and mimics the hen getting off the eggs to go eat, drink etc. So it takes the heat away for 2 hours every 24 hours, so I think you would be fine. Maybe do your last candle the day before and then let it get nice and toasty in there and don't open it until they are hatched. Since it will be your lockdown time, if you do move them, be careful not to jostle them around too much since they should be still for those lockdown days so the chick can get itself into position.

Oh...something else I have read is that some people have back up computer power supplies connected to their incubators to keep them running in case of a long outage. Something to consider.

Good luck...keep us posted.

And welcome everyone else who is joining us. :) Glad to have you here...happy hatching everyone!

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