Anyone else starting eggs tonight? Hatch date 8-24

Oh, I don't know... everyone has their own opinions. I only do it once or twice just to make sure that they're growing. I don't want any duds exploding in there... ick!

I can barely tell if there's growth at seven days simply because I don't know exactly what I'm seeing. If I'm sure of what I see at seven, I don't candle again, but if I don't know I'll candle again at 12 days.

I just bought a bantam cochin roo and hen... I'm hoping they'll learn to get along and give me a few eggs to incubate as well!
I started some BCM eggs yesterday, and am waiting on some silkie eggs to add in tomorrow or the next day when they arrive.

Good luck with your first hatch! Read all you can! This will be my 3rd.
I started 44 eggs late Saturday night. Expecting 14 to be infertile, but will candle at 7 days to see. the other 30 are shipped eggs so who knows! Sure hope I get something out of 44
Wow... 44? Though with expectations of infertility plus most of them being shipped, yeah... you could end up with very few. Here's hoping all 44 hatch!!!

edited because I can't count, LOL
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I put in shipped lav orp eggs (16) on Wednesday the 29th of July... My are due to hatch on the 19th.. keeping fingers crossed.. We've had two successful hatches in this little hova bator..
Sarah....between this being my first hatch, plus in a still air LG, plus 30 being shipped eggs, plus 4 'pullet' eggs from my girl whose Roo was gone for about 3 weeks at that point (and they have been in the fridge) plus 10 store eggs that came from a dozen where the other two appeared fertile (also kept in fridge).....Let's just say I am not holding out any high hopes for huge numbers. I'll be happy if I get ANY.

If I do get some hatches I will have pretty RIR and Salmon Favs....can't wait!
How often do you have to add water to your bator?

I add water a couple times a week. I have my temp/hygro remote in there still. When I notice the humidity dropping a couple of percentage points I add water.

I usually candle on day 7 and day 14. On day 7 I am looking for veining and making sure there aren't any stinkers. On day 14 I'm looking for clears, blood rings, stinkers, anything that didn't progress, out it goes. You can't see a whole lot past day 14 the egg is so full.

I started some Silkie eggs yesterday!
I am excited to see what they will look like!
The only thing I am worried about is they smell like POOH!
Should I clean them or not?

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