Anyone else's chicks hatching in May??


7 Years
Jun 24, 2012
England, Leamington spa
So I have just put 7 (hopefully) fertile eggs under my broody light sussex bantam! I'm so excited, they are silkie/sussex bantam cross breeds! due to hatch 04/05/2013!!
Anyone else's chicks hatching in may???
Hi ChickenLove6! I set 12 Delaware x Buff Orpington eggs under our broody BO, Sissy last Thursday. They should be due to hatch on May 2nd or 3rd. We hatched a couple of this cross last year and they grew really fast, so my sister is hoping to get a breeding stock out of this for a heritage meat bird.

Hope your hatch goes well! Your Silkie/Sussex mix sounds neat!
Hello! My eggs are due on the 2nd or 3rd of May. I can not wait!!! It's a project I do with my son (7yr old) and he is ready to see more fuzzy butts. Candled today and saw some veins- good sign :)
I am also hatching 19 eggs with my 7 y.o. daughter. The eggs are due on May 2. Hope we will get at least a few. Temp and humidity keep fluctuating all the time.
This is so exciting, but I'm not going to be there when they hatch as I am going to France

I will make sure that my sister films them though once they have hatched, just so I can see them as day olds.
Good luck with all of your hatches!!!
Oh my gosh! I just candled the 8 of my fertile eggs, 7 of them are showing great development. 1 of the 7 though was showing amazing development, I even saw the little chick inside move!! I was amazing and so happy
Oh my gosh! I just candled the 8 of my fertile eggs, 7 of them are showing great development. 1 of the 7 though was showing amazing development, I even saw the little chick inside move!! I was amazing and so happy
Yay!!! Mine have 9 more days to go. Can't wait. I already candled them, and half of the eggs look like quitters. I am going to keep them a little longer just to be sure before I take them out.

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