Anyone have a chicken that NEVER laid an egg?


Chicken Slave
12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
Brick, NJ
Audrey is a 2 yr old RSL that I raised since a baby chick and she's never laid an egg. I know who lays what because I only have 7 hens - and because, I just know
I know my hens very well. But she did drop a goo ball with a yolk in it once or twice. It never had a shell or lining or anything, just a glop. Of course the other hens noticed when she did drop a glop and they ran over to eat it.
Other behaviours: no nest sitting, doesn't eat oyster shell, never squats when I come by (the others do) She looks at me like "wha?"

I don't mind if she never lays one.....I'm just concerned cause what if it's building up in her system?
So far she's absolutely healthy looking and acting. I suppose it's possible that she doesn't have "working parts"?
I had one that was a silver ameracauna and she laid 1 blue egg and never laid another. She wasn't egg bound and I wormed all the chickens regularly. She showed no signs of any sickness at all. She started getting picked on by all the hens in every pen I put her in. So I sent her to live somewhere else in hopes she would find friendlier coop mates. She still hasn't laid any eggs that i'm aware of.
I wasn't thinking! I only have hens so.............. I guess there's a lot of chickens that don't lay eggs!

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