Anyone know how to use this (Hova-bator incubator and egg turner) or where to find manual?


In the Brooder
Jan 23, 2017
My father in law let me borrow this but he doesn't know how to use it and doesn't have the instructions either. I'm new to owning chickens and have no clue how to do this.
I think I'll be needing it in a week.
I have a chicken sitting on 20 eggs. I didn't realize that there was two other hens laying in the nesting box adding to her pile every day until I moved her to a crate and saw how many more eggs there were (when she started sitting there were only 4 I think) so from what I've read, the more newly laid ones will be abandoned once her original batch hatches but I'd feel really bad about that and want to put them in the incubator if that happens.
Any advice here would be greatly appreciated!
It looks like the rt window is missing. First thing will be to patch that with some Styrofoam or plexiglass.

It's a 1602N. Easy to find instructions online. Mostly fill the water reservoir plug it in and see what happens.
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google hovabator incubator manual. They have several different types so didn't know which model you have. Good luck

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