Anyone know if Buff Orpington chicks are supposed to be obnoxious?


11 Years
Feb 15, 2013
We just got a bunch of chicks about two weeks ago, and one is a Buff Orpington pullet. We ordered her especially because they're supposed to be such nice, friendly birds, but this one is not interested in being handled and won't calm down when we do handle her. She's also the most aggressive out of 2 Welsummers and some assorted bantams. Any suggestions for calming her down? These are pets, so we'd really love to be able to hold her.
Have you tried giving her treats? My BOs are pretty friendly, but I seem to remember them still being a little skittish as chicks. I gave 14 new chicks now that didn't want to have anything to do with me and especially didn't want to be held, but now I am going to the brooder several times a day to talk to them and just put my hand out and every once in a while I will offer treats. They've begun to warm up to me for treats :)
I have ten BO's and all of them come to my hands when treats are offered since week one...but like humans there is always the 1%'s ters...jeff
I have 3/ 5 week old B.O.'s and one of them is sweet and easy, the other 2 act like I am going to kill them each time I pick them up. I do it anyway. Once I have them securely in my hands they do settle down in a couple seconds and will then eat out of my hand. They are not nearly as confident as their flockmate nor as the 3 production Reds I got at the same time, but they at least do after this time come to me if I have a treat. They each have their own personality for sure.
We just got a bunch of chicks about two weeks ago, and one is a Buff Orpington pullet. We ordered her especially because they're supposed to be such nice, friendly birds, but this one is not interested in being handled and won't calm down when we do handle her. She's also the most aggressive out of 2 Welsummers and some assorted bantams. Any suggestions for calming her down? These are pets, so we'd really love to be able to hold her.
have one give it bananas
Keep trying and spend time with them, like the above give them treats ( my Orpingtons and silkies love shaved ham / bacon) Some will never be friendly and will always be scittish especially If they are raised on a rural / free range farm with little human contact
We just got a bunch of chicks about two weeks ago, and one is a Buff Orpington pullet. We ordered her especially because they're supposed to be such nice, friendly birds, but this one is not interested in being handled and won't calm down when we do handle her. She's also the most aggressive out of 2 Welsummers and some assorted bantams. Any suggestions for calming her down? These are pets, so we'd really love to be able to hold her.

Is your brooder ground level or waist level? Reaching down with "THE HAND!!!!" to grab chicks usually just freaks them out till they get to the age where you are walking around with them. I have my new brooder waist high (I know this isn't always possible, but something worth considering) and they are the tamest chicks I ever had, and I only get to spend an hour or so a day baby-ing them (work long hours). All my other chicks were in ground level brooders and they all feared "THE HAND" coming down at them like a hawk (something that they are programmed to fear). Now my chicks see the hand come at them sideways and immediately want to jump on it and get tummy rubs from it.
Just something to keep in mind.

Chickens are individuals, just like people. They have personalities!! :)
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Is your brooder ground level or waist level? Reaching down with "THE HAND!!!!" to grab chicks usually just freaks them out till they get to the age where you are walking around with them. I have my new brooder waist high (I know this isn't always possible, but something worth considering) and they are the tamest chicks I ever had, and I only get to spend an hour or so a day baby-ing them (work long hours). All my other chicks were in ground level brooders and they all feared "THE HAND" coming down at them like a hawk (something that they are programmed to fear). Now my chicks see the hand come at them sideways and immediately want to jump on it and get tummy rubs from it. :D   Just something to keep in mind.


That's so funny! "THE HAND!!!" That makes so much sense that they'd be scared from something coming down like a hawk. I have an opaque plastic tub as a brooder, but I'll try to figure something else out. I may have to see if I can get more lamps and put them in my old rabbit cage. Some, like the sebright, are very comfortable with us, but the BO is just constantly on the go and won't relax when we hold her. She seems better on my shoulder snuggled up against my neck, but she still won't sleep like the others. Our older hen who is really cuddly is a Japanese bantam. We've had great luck with them.

Thanks for the ideas everyone!

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