Anyone making Homemade Christmas Gifts?

MBfarms How cute and creative

yinepu How pretty the egg is and the gooney bird is really cute what is that modeling clay? and now I know a good use for my husbands dremmel tool
but lack patience so guess he gets to keep his dremmel tool.
My SIL and I usually exchange homemade gifts for our kids. I'm so excited to have a place to brag about the backpack I made for my 8yo niece this year because it turned out so cute. I made it out of caprisun pouches and a little bit of webbing from Joann's Fabrics. All together cost was about $4.00 for webbing and some snaps. (In pic I hadn't put snaps on yet which is why it is gaping a little). Only other materials I needed was a little bit of flannel I had laying around that I used to make a cushioned interior pocket for her Nook/Ipod. I liked it so much when I was finished that I made another for a niece in another family.
Yeah, me! Yeah for recycling! Yeah for sharing the LOVE of homemade gifts!

Too cute!!!! well done
MBfarms How cute and creative

yinepu How pretty the egg is and the gooney bird is really cute what is that modeling clay? and now I know a good use for my husbands dremmel tool
but lack patience so guess he gets to keep his dremmel tool.
For little critters like the Gooney Birds I use Sculpey or Fimo.. whichever I happen to have on hand.
For the larger critters like the dragons and other beasties I use the big boxes of Sculpey and then air brush them once they are hardened.

I do have a big box of Armadillo clay ... the only drawback with it is that it has to be kiln fired.. and I don't own a kiln so I have to take it elsewhere for firing

I love my dremel .. dont know what I would do without it!
I dont have any pictures at the moment, but I made a clay snowman for my parents for Christmas. It's all either made out of clay or felt. I'll try and post some pictures later this week once my parents open their present and find a place to put it.
Love all the ideas here. The spiders are really lovely. They look totally time consuming. I'm not good at small scale, detail oriented stuff. Wish I was better at it. And that emu egg. Wow. Guess that means you have emu...or is it emus? or emi, lol. We're getting peacocks for xmas. I know, not the same as emu. But exciting for us, anyway. So maybe the enclosure I'm making for my son's new peacocks counts as a homemade gift too, lol. Love the rice bags. Was planning to do PJ pants for my boys but I'm running out of time! Gave my hens the gift of a clean coop,tho. Hauled out all the old bedding and gave them fresh. Yeah for poo-free living.
Love all the ideas here. The spiders are really lovely. They look totally time consuming. I'm not good at small scale, detail oriented stuff. Wish I was better at it. And that emu egg. Wow. Guess that means you have emu...or is it emus? or emi, lol. We're getting peacocks for xmas. I know, not the same as emu. But exciting for us, anyway. So maybe the enclosure I'm making for my son's new peacocks counts as a homemade gift too, lol. Love the rice bags. Was planning to do PJ pants for my boys but I'm running out of time! Gave my hens the gift of a clean coop,tho. Hauled out all the old bedding and gave them fresh. Yeah for poo-free living.
the most time consuming part was figuring out the beads I would need (and finding nice ones in the right size).. after that it was getting the legs together enough so the spiders didnt end up looking like ants (I've seen a bunch for sale different places that do look more like ants than spiders). So I sat here making sets of legs for a while.. but the final assembly was super easy.

Last year I hatched out 10 emu chicks.. 9 boys and 1 girl... the infertile/scrambled eggs that didnt hatch got blown out so I could save the shells.. so I have a nice stockpile of emu eggs thanks to the postal service!
The emus that we kept should start getting "frisky" next fall... so I should have another supply of emu eggs by then if I don't buy any more hatching eggs this season.
Great ideas everyone! I'm making gift basket for just about everyone in my family this year. Every basket has homemade everything: Vanilla Extract, grape jam, tomato jam, salsa and a nice bar of homemade lemongrass soap. Homemade things seem to be appreciated more.


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