Anyone that has been diagnosed with Lyme Disease? I have a question

Hillbilly Hen

13 Years
Apr 11, 2009
Newaygo Michigan
If you have ever been diagnosed with Lyme disease have you had problems with double vision?
The reason I am asking is because I have had problems with double vision for the past year. I have been to two different eye specialist's besides my regular eye doctor. They cannot find anything wrong. Well one did find a couple of freckles in my left eye but that is not causing the vision problems. One specialist said it was due to age, I am 45 and most people I know are older than I am and they don't have that problem. My regular doctor and the other specialist said it might be from my sugar levels being off. I have checked it regulary and it is always in normal range. Had my A1C done and it was also normal. I am not a diabetic. Anyway it was worse than ever on Tuesday this week so I went on line last night and typed in the search bar "unexplained double vision", and Lyme disease was one of the first things to come up. I will say that although I have been diagnosed with arthritis and fibromyalgia, I have never been tested for Lyme. I also noted that balance problems are another symptom. I sometimes walk like I have been drinking and while it funny to my family, it is embarassing to me if I am in public and it happens.
The doctor has no explanation for this either. I am getting pretty frustrated.
Seems like i would have been tested when they said I had fibromyalgia. That was almost 10 years ago.
I had Lyme disease when they first started discovering and treating it. Myself, and two of my best friends all had it. We grew up in the New England area, and lived and trekked in the woods not too far from where Lyme disease got it's name. My two best friends had it much worse then I did. Mine was caught early enough to treat, but the treatment took awhile because I was allergic to the medicine they were using at the time to treat it.

My one friend had to have his hips replaced, and was on a respirator for a little while. He eventually recovered some what, but still has trouble walking. Among other issues. He never complained of vision problems. My other friend had a milder case then him, but had completely different type of symptoms. She is fully recovered today. At times, she still will feel "not right", but nothing like in the beginning.

My symptoms.... I slept. I mean, really slept. I would sleep for 14 hours straight, get up, and still need to go back to sleep. I couldn't get up for work, slept thru my alarm. That is very out of character for me. I was treated with antibiotics ( once they found one I wasn't allergic to), and felt better almost immediately. It was explained to me by the doctors that treated us that Lyme Disease doesn't really go away. It lies dormant. It may come back, it may not. The tests even today aren't always accurate, so sometimes you have to have the test more than once. I think it affects people differently, so someone's symptoms may not neccessarily be the same for someone else. If that makes sense.

Definitely try to find a doctor who is familiar with Lyme Disease. That's what happened in our cases. We were sent to specialists who worked specifically with the disease.

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Most likely your fibro is Lymes.
But! That said.........
I have a lot of experience with so called fibro stuff, and healing it naturally.
Balance issues, and all your other symptoms, are most likely being caused by a gluten allergy, which is causing thyroid and adrenal depression.
PM me if you like, and I can help you possibly get it sorted out.
Had Lyme this past June. I was having major unexplained joint pain. thought it was a side effect to cholesterol lowering meds. Long story short my wife found the bite rash on my back. went to Doc next day and was prescribed antibiotics for 30 days. My symptoms were a headache like no other, severely tired, joint pains and fever. I was in bed for a solid 3 days. Only got up to eat and use bathroom. I started to fell a little better after 1 week on meds but wasn't fully recovered for at least a month. But I have not experienced double vision. But Lyme has many many many symptoms. Get tested to be sure. And as for the test, you can have Lyme and still test neg. This is one nasty disease. I hope you don't have it and find out what the cause is. Good luck
Your welcome Hillbilly hen
If you have questions feel free to PM me. It's nasty disease like someone else said, and I can certainly attest to that. I think they have much better treatments for it today then they did back when we had it. The testing isn't always accurate, but once it all gets figured out, you'll feel better

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I had that done last year when I first told the Dr about about the double vision and that I was fed up with the drunk walk. He didn't find anything.... except my brain, although that might be questionable.

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