Anyone think this might be a Peafowl egg?


12 Years
Mar 28, 2011
The egg on the left? It's shaped similar to a Guinea egg, but it's considerably bigger than most of the double yolker Guinea eggs I've collected from my flocks in the past.

The egg in the middle is an average sized Guinea egg, the egg on the right it a possible double yolker Guinea egg...

This is my first year with Peafowl, and I've never seen a Peafowl egg before (except for some pics of them). Seems the shapes, colors and speckles vary. I have a 6+ yr old IB Peahen that could have laid this egg... my other 2 IB Peahens are still babies, only 10 months old. There's a 2 1/2 yr old IB Peacock in with them (and a buncha Guineas that are laying). Do IBs lay eggs this color, or do they lay the speckled eggs?

Hmm ok, it's about the size of a Jumbo chicken egg, or about the same size as the wild turkey eggs I've incubated in the past. Usually the double yolkers from my Guineas are long and narrow, this is pretty fat and round (but tapered). Must be a pretty sore Guinea Hen in that flock, lol.

Do Peahens ever lay small eggs at the beginning of the season?
Sure, I'd love to see some pics of your Peafowl eggs, Thanks!

I actually collected 2 of these eggs, identical in shape color and size, laid 3 days apart. I have them both in the incubator and both are showing development. Can't tell if it's double yolk development or single yolk development tho.

Thanks for posting the egg pic. My eggs are both more pointed compared to yours, so it's probable mine are both double yolk Guinea eggs
Like I mentioned before tho, the shape of all my double yolk Guinea eggs that I've collected over the years are usually long and narrow, these 2 eggs in question are really huge (around) at the fat end so that made me hope for Peafowl eggs... and ouch that's a couple of really fat eggs for 1st timer Guinea Hen to squeeze out.

Oh well, it's only March, a lot of Peafowl around here don't lay until late April/early May so I'll just keep hoping... I've seen my guy displaying to all the girls, I'm just not sure the new Hen (that is the only one old enough to breed) has settled in enough to produce this year (she was feral, and is now penned).

Anyway, Thanks!
My lavenders lay eggs that are an iridescent taupe colorer, they have a pinkish /lavender hue to them as you turn them, really cool looking and easy to tell they lavenders laid them.
So far nobody's answered my question about Peahens laying small eggs at the beginning of the season or not... does anybody know if it's common like it can be with Guineas and chickens?
mine have not laid any small eggs at the begining of the season, all were the same size from start of breeding season til the end of it.

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