Anyone use Purina's SunFresh feed?

I feed Purina Flock Raiser to all my feathers right now. I like the protein level for my chicks. They are growing like weeds. I suppliment the big girls with extra calcium and crushed egg shells.

My little ones ( and my big ones when they were little) were raised on Start & Grow. Went to Layena when the girls started laying. I'm planning on going back to the Layena when the little ones are laying but not sure if it will be ok for the any roos I may have.

The lable on the Flock Raiser says that it's good for meat birds
I feed it. The very first bag I bought was very powdery consistency and the chicks didn't seem to like it or gain weight very well. Since I was new and naieve (sp) I didn't take it back and just made them eat it. Wish I hadn't, because now they are all a little scrawny and are playing catch up. When I bought a new "crumbly" bag, same size, same feed store, the birds just eat like gangbusters now. You can see their crops are all full and they empty their dish down to a few crumbs. They would leave at least an inch or a half inch of the powdery bag.
I feed Layena & my hens average 6 eggs each per week. It seems to be working well, and fortunately it is all my local feed store carries.

For 10 hens (that free range 24 x 7) 50 lbs lasts about 6 weeks. They also get scratch or bird seed twice a day. And lots of bugs and grass.
well i too use start & grow and have no problems price was just about 10 % higher then tsc brand
i am paying $ 11.60 start and grow 50#
$12.30 layena 50#

but at the same time my feed store has better (less dust if any ) woodchips for about $ 4 a bag thats $2 less then tsc.
Hey gritsar, You can't go wrong with Purina.
We have to drive a ways to get ours,you might want to check the dates on the bottom of the bags.I've brought old feed full of weebils before & it's no fun driving all the way back over.

I've brought several bags at once & stored them in the house in an air conditioned room.Keeps the weebils away,lol.
Good luck with your little chics,they're alot of fun aren't they?
I had the same question. According to Purina's website, it's perfectly okay to feed the Layena to the roos. I'm glad cuz I just couldn't imagine trying to feed those two boogers seperately.
I don't know if this question should be in a separate thread, but I was wondering if I should be feeding Flock Raiser instead of the Start & Grow which I am using now for my 5 week olds. When looking at the Purina website it says Start & Grow for small to medium breeds and Flock Raiser for medium to heavy. I've got: 3 brahmas, 6 cochins, 3 barred rocks, 3 BO's, 3 silkies, 3 australorps, and one little runt or bantam. Don't want to mess anyone up with the wrong protein levels, so if you know if it matters...
annabelle, I have an e-mail sent to Purina via their website asking them basically the same question. I recieved a reply back the same day saying they are really bogged down with e-mails right now and would answer my questions a.s.a.p.
One other thing. I found out I don't have drive an hour to get the Sunfresh! The county farmer's co-op is a Purina dealer. They don't keep the Sunfresh in stock, but have agreed to order it for me. Never hurts to ask.
gritsar-glad you found a closer store for your feed, if you would post Purina's reply I'd appreciate it, don't want to bog them down with another email. My first instinct is to err on the side of more protein for the brahmas and cochins, I just don't want to mess the little ones up.

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