Anyone using probotics for chicks?


Crazy for Silkies
11 Years
Jan 17, 2013
Anyone else use probotics on their chick's? I have used and still use probios multi species on my chick's. I noticed in a day their loose stool has firmed up and is less watery. It also puts beneficial bacteria in their gut. In theory it can fight the negative effects of bad bacteria they might come across. Wonder if anyone else is using something like this? Or plain yogurt to add bacteria?
Anyone else use probotics on their chick's?
Many feeds include it already, even when not advertised on the bag.

I find them effective at helping WHEN things are out of balance and useless when they're not. The so called "bad" bacteria are there to serve their role, and life does not exist (in all it's possible forms) without them. This paragraph specifically being discussed with both my exotics veterinarian and also a human physician (PHD, MD).. knowing that opinions vary even among some of them.. these are how it's been represented to and understood by me.

Example of usefulness.. Some prebiotics or probiotics may help restore gut flora after rounds of anti biotics.. extremely important for hind gut fermenters like guinea pigs, rabbits, etc. Usually short term. Obviously there may other circumstance like under chemo therapy, etc.. but we're talking about chickens here. Could they be beneficial during treatment for coccidiosis and withOUT any added vitamins.. perhaps indeed! On the tail end of this, expiration date seems to be a factor with regards to keeping things on hand for when needed and shipping does not take place to my residence for at least 4 days but usually more. I haven't checked expiration dates in store.. but as a lesser sold item, my expectations are low.

I do find some of the multi species ones to offer more benefit than others and the seemingly "best" one (I have found) offers the inclusion of 7 strains of beneficial bacteria.. or whatever the correct terminology is.

Who benefits most is the company (including yogurt companies) selling them to everyone who believes they will extend their life and somehow avoid the inevitable process we all will face.. some call it death, transition, crossing over, etc.. sorry! I ate it when I thought it was good for me. Now, I realize life is too short to eat things I don't enjoy because "someone" says it's "good" for me. Why preserve a prison called safety and stay trapped like an inmate if my mind is the jailer!

One of the ways folks like to "add probiotics" and an example of what I consider not useful long term is by fermenting their chicken feed.. which I did exclusively for 2 full years for a flock of about 82.. Truthfully, genetics plus husbandry and nature play big roles.. we like to think we have control or influence.. but what we're having is an experience and life is our greatest teacher. I'm for real SIs! ;) (sorry if that's a misuse of your username, it's meant as a clever fun poke.)

Please don't confuse poop texture fully with something being needed or off.. Every 7-10th (approximately) will be cecal poop and also the more water they drink the runnier the droppings are since all urates (urine/pee) is passed with the poo.. so in other words sometimes runnier in hotter weather.. Poop watching can be fun, lol! :sick

I also however "believe"in the placebo effect and have witnessed it to be as effective as *most* any treatment.. So if what you're using (such as probiotic for animal it's not native to) works for you.. then Right on, Right on! :highfive:
Many feeds include it already, even when not advertised on the bag.

I find them effective at helping WHEN things are out of balance and useless when they're not. The so called "bad" bacteria are there to serve their role, and life does not exist (in all it's possible forms) without them. This paragraph specifically being discussed with both my exotics veterinarian and also a human physician (PHD, MD).. knowing that opinions vary even among some of them.. these are how it's been represented to and understood by me.

Example of usefulness.. Some prebiotics or probiotics may help restore gut flora after rounds of anti biotics.. extremely important for hind gut fermenters like guinea pigs, rabbits, etc. Usually short term. Obviously there may other circumstance like under chemo therapy, etc.. but we're talking about chickens here. Could they be beneficial during treatment for coccidiosis and withOUT any added vitamins.. perhaps indeed! On the tail end of this, expiration date seems to be a factor with regards to keeping things on hand for when needed and shipping does not take place to my residence for at least 4 days but usually more. I haven't checked expiration dates in store.. but as a lesser sold item, my expectations are low.

I do find some of the multi species ones to offer more benefit than others and the seemingly "best" one (I have found) offers the inclusion of 7 strains of beneficial bacteria.. or whatever the correct terminology is.

Who benefits most is the company (including yogurt companies) selling them to everyone who believes they will extend their life and somehow avoid the inevitable process we all will face.. some call it death, transition, crossing over, etc.. sorry! I ate it when I thought it was good for me. Now, I realize life is too short to eat things I don't enjoy because "someone" says it's "good" for me. Why preserve a prison called safety and stay trapped like an inmate if my mind is the jailer!

One of the ways folks like to "add probiotics" and an example of what I consider not useful long term is by fermenting their chicken feed.. which I did exclusively for 2 full years for a flock of about 82.. Truthfully, genetics plus husbandry and nature play big roles.. we like to think we have control or influence.. but what we're having is an experience and life is our greatest teacher. I'm for real SIs! ;) (sorry if that's a misuse of your username, it's meant as a clever fun poke.)

Please don't confuse poop texture fully with something being needed or off.. Every 7-10th (approximately) will be cecal poop and also the more water they drink the runnier the droppings are since all urates (urine/pee) is passed with the poo.. so in other words sometimes runnier in hotter weather.. Poop watching can be fun, lol! :sick

I also however "believe"in the placebo effect and have witnessed it to be as effective as *most* any treatment.. So if what you're using (such as probiotic for animal it's not native to) works for you.. then Right on, Right on! :highfive:
Thanks for your reply. Yes I know about the cecal poo. Naturally foul of course. I didn't use the probios on my first flock. I did use it with my 2nd and they faired a lot better and even lived twice as long. Not sure if the probis had anything to do with that are not but I had a much better result. So I'm trying it again with this flock. Just wondering if anyone is using anything like it? I just mix it in the water. It really does seem to give them a good strong start. The only other thing I use is electrolytes when it gets very hot. I love learning what others use for there birds and why. I like learning and trying new things. I've had the best results growing my chick's with probotic. Wondered what you all thought about it. Thanks

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