Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

It's the little things that I think are going to trip me up....

Having to met ex to swap kids at the Flour Garden with their oh so yummy baked goods and lattes...

Jumping in the car with the kids spur of the moment and going to Baskin Robbins on Tues... one scoop for one buck nights...

Going to SF and getting our favorite chinese food.... Way greasy meat and deep fried....

I definitley need to find things to replace these things with... Carrots just are not that exciting.
I'm in!!! I started 2-3 weeks ago by getting a excersice machine (like a bike) and started out doing 5 minutes every evening. Then, last week, bumped it up to 10 minutes. BUT, I am a Pepsi haulic!!! If I forget to eat (and I do most days) I end up just drinking a soda.
I need to kick that, but it has been my only real drink since I was 3 (bad mother I had
) and cannot seem to kick it. I have been drinking water while working out, but my soda is an addiction. But on the positive, I have lost about 7-9 lbs since starting my workout.

I am starting to wonder if I have some unknown medical condition, as I steadily gain weight every month (last year I was 20 lbs lighter, and seems to be about 12-20 lbs a year gain) It's very frustrating, as I really don't eat a lot, and most times it's all veggies and fruit. I do endulge in fast food about once a week, but only a kids meal. IDK, if I could afford health insurance, I would have my thyroid checked. Anyone know if iron deficiency makes you gain weight? I know I have that!

But, I am in!!! I hope to lose about 30-35 pounds.
Hey Steph, I live in DeLand for about 4 years. That was 13 years ago though. I sorta miss the beach sometimes, but I love my mountains. Good job on the weight loss. Mine has not been that much, BUT it's a loss no doubt. Thyroid can make you gain weight. I think there are other symptoms though. Change in metabolism and also be a factor. Can you handle diet pepsi or do they make pepsi zero?

jeacamom, I know what you mean. when those things are around temptation is so HARD. Search the menu on chinese, try some of the soups to fill up. They are really good. Give in once a week may help you not feel deprived. Just remember that the reward is great. I leave Friday night to go out with hubby and eat a little bad. Totally helps.

Whoo hoo to all of us
We women often forget how our bodies do run our lives. I have been on the hormone treatments for PCOS (syndrom x also) and with this one (hormone) to do that, that one to do this, and well I felt like the man on the flying trapeze. Ups, downs and craving foods that left me so frustrated with weight gains.
Needless to say, we have those hormones working all the time naturally (not in the extreme I was).
It left me with blood sugars and cravings, gaining 2 lbs a month that adds up to a lot of lbs.
Now, mind you, I am NOT an expert, but try lowering your bread and its cousins the crackers, eating whole grain and rice crackers (or like), eating for carbs your fruit, potato, rice etc. Always having that protien with them. Cheese, p.butter, handful of soy nuts that you can season yourself in the oven, or any dry roasted nut.
I find that if I have protien, I am not so hungry and have more energy.
Get that blood test done!!! Being low in red cells, thyroid, type 2 diabetes is best to keep track of (remind me of that, ok!?) and just leave you feeling blah.
Sounds like your on the right track so keep it up!
(when I crave chocolate, its a vite that I find I need)
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dont do what i did last summer...i just forgot to eat because i was training 3 horses and a dog. im very tall and was down to 70 lbs.
OMG I thought I was the only one with the tendency to "forget" to eat!

I some times get so caught up in getting up, getting the husband to the train and then the animals and kid by the time 2pm rolls around I am famished and wondering why. One day I skipped breakfast and lunch and it was 730 by the time I realized i hadnt eaten all day. Funny that I usually have my fail safe. I get REALLY extra grump when I am hungry. Maybe if I am so busy that I forget I miss the "warning" signs. Or maybe it is that my daughter doesnt now yet and my husband isnt around.

Today i am going for the "sweating it off ' route. And I still have the pool to get working on out there.

Keep up the great work everyone!

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