Anything else I can do? (Dog attack)


12 Years
Jul 3, 2011
A dog came into my yard and made off with my little cream legbar hen. It appears from a feather pile and what witnesses said that he chased her down, pounced on her and carried her down the road for maybe 15-20 seconds before dropping her. (Someone apparently yelled at him.) I retrieved her from a neighbor's yard. She appears to have no puncture wounds, but is sitting a bit off-kilter and breathing heavily. I got a little sugar water/electrolytes down her, and she was briefly up, walking a short distance very unsteadily to drink a small amount on her own. It's been about 2-3 hours since the attack and she is still breathing quite heavily. I have her in a cage in the coop, covered for darkness, and with electrolyte water available. I don't know whether to pester her again to try to syringe more water or let her be. How long can it take a hen to recover (or die) from severe shock? (She may also have internal injuries.)

Anything else I can do right now to support her? Assuming she doesn't die overnight, when shall I first offer food? Is it better to handle and syringe water or let her be? I can keep water (and food) nearby and would obviously prefer not to stress her by handling. Thanks.
Oh. I’m sorry for your loss.
Thank you. I feel as if I let her down by not keeping a closer eye on her. Loose dogs are uncommon but not unheard of on my street, and she loved to fly over the fence to scratch and peck nearby; she never went far. Lately, she had been in a largely hidden location beneath a maple tree. She seemed to enjoy it so much; I would eventually find her out and put her back inside the fenced yard with the other hens,

I think the dog saw the flock in the fenced yard, came down the driveway to see if he could access them, and found her out. If I'd weighted her risk more heavily, I would checked more frequently to see if she had flown out again and needed to be put in. I blew it, I guess.
...I feel as if I let her down by not keeping a closer eye on her....
I'm sorry to hear about the loss, but I disagree about it being your fault. It's not possible for you to watch them 24/7, nor can you prevent nature from doing it's thing.

It sounds like you do everything you can to keep them safe and happy.
Thank you. I feel as if I let her down by not keeping a closer eye on her. Loose dogs are uncommon but not unheard of on my street, and she loved to fly over the fence to scratch and peck nearby; she never went far. Lately, she had been in a largely hidden location beneath a maple tree. She seemed to enjoy it so much; I would eventually find her out and put her back inside the fenced yard with the other hens,

I think the dog saw the flock in the fenced yard, came down the driveway to see if he could access them, and found her out. If I'd weighted her risk more heavily, I would checked more frequently to see if she had flown out again and needed to be put in. I blew it, I guess.
Like @A Justice said, I disagree about it being your fault. I have a bird who escapes every day, and even though I’m sure that someday, she will be killed by something out there, I know that she lived an awesome life exploring every day. I think your hen did, too.
I'm sorry to hear about the loss, but I disagree about it being your fault. It's not possible for you to watch them 24/7, nor can you prevent nature from doing it's thing.

It sounds like you do everything you can to keep them safe and happy.
Thank you. That is kind of you.

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