aoxa sorry

oh my, so sorry
Thank you guys so much.

Breathing hurts. I feel like I've lost my heart. They were my babies. I can't believe they are all gone.
I'm sure it is aoxa, no one knows what it feels like and how horrible it has to be unless they have gone through it. I was thinking about all your beautiful babies and how much they will always be a part of us because of all the awesome pics you have posted. Thank you for sharing them with us. It could never ever be the same as them being here, but because of your photos they will live on in our hearts. I pray you and your families heart will be comforted during such a horrible tragedy and know that we all care and hopefully some how that brings you comfort. I'm sure alot of folks on BYC have been shedding alot of tears with you since yesterday.
I am soooo sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine what you are going through. If theres anything any of us can do to help let us know. We are all here for you.
I'm sure it is aoxa, no one knows what it feels like and how horrible it has to be unless they have gone through it. I was thinking about all your beautiful babies and how much they will always be a part of us because of all the awesome pics you have posted. Thank you for sharing them with us. It could never ever be the same as them being here, but because of your photos they will live on in our hearts. I pray you and your families heart will be comforted during such a horrible tragedy and know that we all care and hopefully some how that brings you comfort. I'm sure alot of folks on BYC have been shedding alot of tears with you since yesterday.
I was unaware by just how many people my sweet animals touched. People are naming their birds after my own that perished. That is so bittersweet. It's a wonderful thing.. all these arms open to us in this time of such deep heartache.

Thank you all.
When you told us Al sat there in a daze for a few hours just trying to process it. Our biggest nightmare is to have a fire and lose the animals. I just cant imagine it. To some chickens are just chickens but your animals were some of the most amazing ive ever seen. Birds dont get that friendly without someone loving them to the bottom of their hearts.

When you feel ready to rebuild let me know if I can help in any way. Al and I are there for you guys. Also if you ever plan on getting more mottled and EEs let me know. We are planning a trip up to see the guy in nova scotia withe berkshires at some point later in the summer.

That night was a huge night for fires for some odd reason. One of our other friends lost all of his stuff when his appartment burnt down on the same night.
I was unaware by just how many people my sweet animals touched. People are naming their birds after my own that perished. That is so bittersweet. It's a wonderful thing.. all these arms open to us in this time of such deep heartache.

Thank you all.

It was because of your pictures that my husband decided he wants turkeys. He never wants anything, so yes, you have an impact.
Aoxa & family, I'm a little late in offering my condolences, by now you're aware of all the love & support you have from the BYC community, but here's 1 more: I'm truly sorry for the loss of your animals. Thank you for sharing them with us through pictures and stories. They sure do have a way of finding a place in our hearts!
We'll be with you throughout the recovery process


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