Appenzellar spitzhauben questions

Bird fanatic

May 10, 2021
So I read that the spitzhaubens aren't a recognized breed, so I was wondering of I could show them in the "other" category? Thank you!!
Are you talking about a fair or an APA show? What is the Other category? What are the categories?
The fair, and the categories are
Hen, roo, pullet, cockerel, bantam hen, bantam roo, bantam pullet, bantam cockerel, turkeys, ducks and then other
The fair, and the categories are
Hen, roo, pullet, cockerel, bantam hen, bantam roo, bantam pullet, bantam cockerel, turkeys, ducks and then other
Looks like you should enter it in hen, roo, cockerel, or pullet.
Wait, do they actually have “roo” as a category? Since when is that an acceptable term?
Or is it cock? Don’t be afraid to say cock. Cock.
Nothing shameful about it.
Looks like you should enter it in hen, roo, cockerel, or pullet.
Wait, do they actually have “roo” as a category? Since when is that an acceptable term?
Or is it cock? Don’t be afraid to say cock. Cock.
Nothing shameful about it.
I just abrieviated rooster so some times in the book they put rooster or cock it depends on the fair

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