Apple cider vinegar/galvanized water container-help


11 Years
May 28, 2008
Upstate NY
I was just reading a post about acv and galvanized tanks. I add some to my water container and I thought I was doing the girls a favor- now I see it reacts with the metal??? Am I hurting my chickens? Please let me know, so I can stop until summer. I have plastic, but in NY state it is not an option for winter.
I believe it strips the zinc off the metal leaving it open to rust. Zinc poisioning is not unknown, I traced a huge outbreak of crop issues to my galvanized waterers. Since I got rid of them no more crop issues. Not everyone who has galvanized waterers has the same issues but that's what happened to me.

You can use plastic in winter. I prefer it! Wet wattles and combs can freeze instantly to metal.

It's hovering around *0 in where I am right now. I've had plastic waterers last through 3 winters now, no problem. They will freeze solid a dozen times over the winter, I'll thaw them under hot water, fill em and put them back out. I only broke one; the base was frozen, I tossed it over the fence and it cracked. <--don't do that.
I was happy with the metal one, because I have the heater under it to keep it from freezing. I guess I will just hold off on the acv until it's above freezing and I can switch to plastic. Thanks!
Galvanized drinkers develop a white powder of zinc over time anyway that will dissolve into the water. If you want metal drinkers, choose stainless steel

"Food and Water Dishes - The zinc in galvanized bowls can be dissolved by water, fruit juices and acidic foods and contaminate them. Metal bowls should be made of stainless steel"

from this website if you want to know more
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I got some old S/S mixing bowls at the thrift store, they work great.

LOL, check the thread dates when browsing the old ones, I think this was taken care of, since the thread dates back to 2008.
Galvanized drinkers develop a white powder of zinc over time anyway that will dissolve into the water.

Unless your local water is acidic in nature (pH below 7) that white powder you're seeing is almost certainly minerals from the water such as calcium and magnesium, normal water hardness. Zinc galvanization has been used in common water pipe and livestock waterers for over a hundred years now. It's harmless so long as you don't put acidic stuff like vinegar into them.

If your local water is acidic you probably shouldn't use copper plumbing either.​
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The white powder you're seeing built up on the galvanized water can is actually "white rust", which is what happens to galvanized metal that gets wet. (I work with galvanized metal daily, and we can't store it outside in the elements)

I have a plastic, 3 gallon water can. Does anyone know how much ACV to add to it to keep the slime build up out of the tray?
I am grateful to whoever dug this up! I never thought about not using a galvanized waterer. Time to get a new waterer I guess! Also, good to know how much ACV to add.
The white powder you're seeing built up on the galvanized water can is actually "white rust", which is what happens to galvanized metal that gets wet. (I work with galvanized metal daily, and we can't store it outside in the elements)

I have a plastic, 3 gallon water can. Does anyone know how much ACV to add to it to keep the slime build up out of the tray?
1 Tablespoon per 1 gallon.

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