April 2024 hatch-a-long

Day 20: Martha on the nest, stink of poo in the coop, which is unusual as it's so open to the air. I bent over to see how she was doing, greeted her with "Hello Martha, how are you doing? Any chicks, yet?" I slid my hand under her, felt eggs but went no farther.

She made little chirpy noises at me, but did not sound angry. She's not normally a talker.

Maybe she's appreciative of the tidbits I have been offering while she's on the nest. Who knows? :confused:

Looks like a Dominique momma!
My fertile egg supply has been down.
I normally would buy eggs from feed store eggs fridge. But that lady washes her eggs, and since she knew i was setting them, i think she has been washing harder, and she killed off 3 of her roosters keeping one. I borrowed a rooster for Easter hatch, he did not cover hens in time for Easter, but he did fertile some. I saved a few fertile eggs my borrowed rooster covered, 4, and put in 2 of the feed store eggs, 6 are pipped. Below is feed store egg hatching.

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