April Showers, Bring May Flowers.....NOT!!!!


On vacation
13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Ontario, CANADA
It's snowing here right now.
I feel the same way
I have 30 degree temps with 28mph winds so it really feels like 16 outside. It was in the 70's and 80's the last few weeks. Now I have to wait on putting the chicks outside. :thun I wish the weather would pick one and olny one.
It was 27 degrees and snowing when I came home at lunch time to check on my 4 week chicks in the garage which is not heated. The temp was 62 under the light where they were all huddled together. So I took my husbands space heater out of his man's basement and put it in the garage. Got home around 4:30 pm and the chicks area is a nice 72 degrees. Husband might not be crazy about loosing his space heater, but my chicks are more important.
It is cold here in Nebraska too! This morning, I thought I saw snow flurries, but they didn't last long. It is the wind that I wish would stop blowing so hard.

I hope my chicks make it okay in the mail. They are to be born Monday and then shipped out right away, getting here Tuesday or Wednesday. It is suppose to be cold then too.
Wish me luck! Steph
The weather here is the pits. At least the sun did come out today, but the wind is terrible. The lows are going to be in the lower 20's the rest of the week.
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Ugh! Kansas weather drives me crazy. I was thinking I was going to be one of those lucky ones who are already enjoying great weather and being outside, but apparently that was all a big April fool's joke from mother nature. It was 80 Sunday and has been getting colder every day. Today it was 42 when I got until it started snowing! That's right 80 degrees four days ago and snow today, the temps actually dropped since this morning. Of course now I can put off mowing the lawn...

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