Araucana thread anyone?

It doesn't look like mine are an accepted color either- but I'm not a show person so I don't care
OMG I can't wait for chicks! They'll probably be sooo tiny! And I thought banty cochins were small!
Yeah, I figure he is not Araucana breeding material even if he does grow into an accepted color variety, because of his tail and lack of tufts..... but he will be fun in my bantam EE pen...... Do you have chicks on order from somewhere or are you hatching some? Nothing so fun as waiting for new little peeps.
Anyone out there selling fertile Araucana eggs from SQ Blue parents? I'm assuming the genetics of color behave the same for blue and black Araucanas as for ameraucanas. Holler if I'm assuming wrong.
I'm just going to hatch my own from that pair, and make some EEs with my cochin girls.( Is blue over white= blue?) Hoping I can get another hen or two of the aracauna though.

From what I understand they don't have to have tufts. They're surely more recognizable with them, but they are not a requirement I think.
for show a individual bird must carry both visible traits, rumples and tufted and conform to the color standard or if not color standard be shown as AOV but id think with both traits to be an araucana..
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Wow, those are pretty birds. I intend to breed to standard, but admit that my favorite part of both Ameraucana and Araucana chicken ownership is mixing up the rejects and watching the pretty colors appear! And, as long as breeders are honest about what they are offering, I find that selling EEs is nothing but a low stress form of pure fun.
Many moons ago when we had araucanas we had mainly black, blue, and whites but for awhile we had some cuckoo bantam hens with a blue rooster, didnt get many babies from them but the sexlinks were always cute. We also had a couple BBR colored hens that were always more wild and broody. One year we crossed the big blue rooster with one of those hens and got all white offspring, the best rooster out of the batch had pure black eyes with amazing slate legs, he looked alien. We used some of the tufted tailed birds with our EE's and ameraucanas and some other random hens for easter eggers. Out of the whites we had two tufted tailed roosters that looked way different, ones body was more leghorn and the others was more dorking or rock looking, its surprising to see what the rumplessness hides as far as tails.

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