Are Buff Orpingtons Quieter than other breeds??


Jul 29, 2015
Huntsville AL,
I have read the threads of those asking fro non noisy chickens but every chicken makes noises lets face the facts here! But my question was if buff orpingtons were a little more calm and less vocal than other breeds like some say? I hear they are friendly and have a good attitude but wanted to ask others what they thought?
Thanks -
Hi, I also want to get buff orpingtons as I heard they are generally more docile and quieter than other breeds, but I've never had any experience with them so I'm also going to wait for the answer to your question.
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We have 2nout of our 17. One is definitely quiet while the other is incredibly loud like our barred rocks. And she will not stop till I come to my window and tell her to knock it off.
I have 4 buff orpingtons in my flock. They are my sweet quiet girls. Very good hunters (moths, mosquitoes, crickets, etc), and they hop up in my lap. They are a great breed.

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