Are Hawks Afraid of People


12 Years
Feb 4, 2010
chicago sw suburbs
I seen 3 hawks yesterday gliding in the wind up high. I have a 10ft x10ft run area that is fenced but not covered. There is a double seated
bench in there and I sit and watch the chickens when they are out. The run is not covered. Would a hawk swoop in with me sitting there?
Are they afraid of people?
Hawks are not really afraid of people in my experience.

They make sure we don't have wings first...
Well, I don't think a hawk would swoop down while you're in the run but not having a covered run is an invitation to a chicken feast. Everything has a way in and the chickens have no way out...not very fair for the chickens.

That said, I always make sure there is human presence when letting my hens free-range my yard. This Saturday, we had our first attempted hawk attack.
I've seen them hanging around the run (completely enclosed in hardware cloth) staring at the chickens for many months now. Finally, one swooped. We were all on one side of the coop while one straggler was on the other, away from us. All of a sudden we heard loud chicken squawking and looked up to see a hawk taking off from a failed attempt and one of my girls running for her life, in high alert. He was unharmed but traumatized.

We're making a hoop house to allow them to still be outside on the grass, working our lawn but at least remain covered. Oiy vay. It never ends. Everyone loves chicken!
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My father has some friends that they visited on their last trip to Mexico who have some land that they raise turkeys and chickens on. While they were sitting on his patio one evening, a hawk came in and took his largest hen from less than 10 feet in front of them. I suppose it really depends on how used the hawk is to people and how hungry it is. When we take my grandmom's chihuahua or my conures out, we're never more than 3 feet from them and always with one eye on the sky.

My conures have learned what a hawk is and they will squawk an alarm call and cuddle against my neck for protection from the "scary monsters".
Hawks are not afraid of people and will attack when they are hungry, I would cover your run as soon as possible before the hawks are hatching out their chicks.
Some hawks are wary of people, but the main chicken-hawk (Cooper's Hawk) has a deserved reputation for fearlessness. They are more wary now than they used to be - before they were exposed to the selection pressure of the shotgun - but they will definitely strike right in front of you, especially if you are sitting still.
They are not afraid of people. Cooper's Hawks are brazen and faster than anything I imagined until one swooped down 3 feet in front of my husband and I and grabbed our full grown polish. It seemed like it flew down and grabbed the chicken in the speed of an eye-blink. I got within 12 inches of it yelling and banging before it flew away. Thank goodness our polish only lost feathers. Scariest moment I've had in chicken raising. Even the fox was easier to chase away.

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