Are my chickens Americanas or EEs?


Feb 2, 2024
Hi, I have 6 hens. I was wondering if they are ameraucanas or just EEs. They are 3 different colors 4 mostly dark brown. 1 light brown. 1 light more brown this one doesn't have a fluffy head though. I used to have 10 or more though and all the others had fluffy heads. They all played either very blue or blue but slightly more green eggs. And they all have pea comes. All their legs are a greenish color ( I guess that's what you call it ) and they all are the same size about 5 lbs. Thanks for the answers in advance.
They are Easter Eggers if they have green legs and some lack muffs/beards. Americana and Easter Egger are names used interchangeably for a mixed breed that has a blue egg layer in the mix. Ameraucana is a pure breed with slate or black legs.


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There are two good ways to tell purebred Ameraucanas from Easter eggers. One is that Ameraucanas come in only a few specific color varieties. Two is that Ameraucanas have white skin while Easter eggers usually have yellow skin. To check skin color, look at the undersides of the feet. White or pinkish white means white skin. Yellow or yellowish green means yellow skin.
She had mites and is being treated for them now. Thanks for the saying though. It's weird it seems like it's always those chickens and the barred rock mixes I have that get mites. The black chickens I have don't get mites.
Might want to give that hen's feet a close inspection. Looks like they might be a bit swollen.

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