Are seaguls a threat?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Nov 27, 2011
I love in the UK right on the coast and notice whenever i let the chickens free range, there seems to be a lot of seaguls appearing. They tend to swoop quite low and make a racket which scares the girls. They have never gone for any of the girls as im always out with them, but it worries me that they could. Does anyone know if they are a threat?
They are trying to chase the chickens away from any food they might have so they, the seagulls, can get it. I have a crow (more like I am his human) that will swoop over the girls; I think he does it just for fun. I do feed him & his family since they keep the hawks away.
Chickens naturally keep an eye to the sky for winged predators. Birds as large as seagulls constantly flying overhead has to be making them nervous wrecks. (especially if the gulls are swooping down on them) I dont know if any chickens could ever get used to that kind of thing.

As far as the gulls killing your birds...I dont think they will if your birds are full grown and healthy. I'm sure they would kill a bird that was sick or showed some kind of distress. They seem to be pretty aggressive and determined once they sense a possible meal.

Good luck!
Thanks for the advice, will feel alot better now having the girls out knowing its only the pest of a hawk i have got to keep an eye out for now!
Get a rooster so the rooster will jump at seagulls, to protect hens from seagulls.

Otherwise seagulls are very wary & unapproachable birds and they will not return to your property as they had seen you.

Too few fish, and overfishing by humen are main causes of seagulls gone inland to feed on pigeons, baby birds and fresh-water fish, insects, mice. Numbers of seagulls are decreasing fast due to overfishing.
The gulls are doing fine here. (just don't throw potato chips in the air). I live not far from the dump and they are here by the thousands.
Almost like pigeons.
x2 except I live not far from the beach! Seagull poop is especially nasty and will eat the finish off your car if not washed off.
x2 except I live not far from the beach! Seagull poop is especially nasty and will eat the finish off your car if not washed off.

x3 I live close to water and they have a much larger population than any wild bird in this area. More than pigeons, crows, sparrows, etc. Never, I mean NEVER, open your window in a McDonalds parking lot.

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