Are there some turkey breeds which are friendlier and more "under foot" than others.

We got Narr & Royal Palms last year. Unfortunately our male RP were lost to raccoons.

Both breeds are friendly. Our male Narr. is also very protective of me. When a bully Brahma roo started attacking me when I came into the run to water & feed our Tom cornered him and there were sounds that I've never heard. He NEVER came close to me again. In fact Tom placed himself between the bully and me every time I entered the run or coop, until the bully went to freezer camp.

Our Jennies of both breeds love to be where we are, will follow us everywhere, come to the back door or back kitchen window and call for us. The RP have brooded several clutches of eggs. They are good mothers, protective, but not mean.

Turkeys surprised us. We didn't expect to fall in love with them, but they are easy to love.

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