Are you a sprouter?


12 Years
Aug 30, 2007
My husband and I have been reading up on sprouting today, and want to give it a try. We're a long way from town so the more self-sufficient we can be the better. The livestock side is easy, gardening in the desert is the hard part! Do you sprout, and if so, what? Any tips?
do you have room in your house for a 10-20 gallon terrarium? if so they grow them in there.Just buy one of those brooder reflector lamps with a 100 watt bulb and hand in over the terrarium.then get some cheap starter trays and starter soil and grow,grow,grow.Ive grown all sorts of veggies,chilies,fruit trees,and now tobacco in there.
Do you fill the terrarium all the way with soil, so the top is 'ground level'?
If you mean eating sprouts, I grew out all of our bean sprouts last year (mung beans). We have stir fry with sprouts twice a week, so we go thru alot. I have a greenhouse cubby window in my kitchen, so I did it there.
I bought a sprouting jar and seeds...but we havent done it yet....
I love sprouts in a salad...

Bet they'd be good on a sandwich too...
NO NO! Its not sprouts.I have started them in there.Right now I have started:

98 green bell peppers
48 cherry tomatoes
48 early girls
100 yellow bell peppers
a mixed medely of chilies
a mixed garden of stuff.
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I'm confused LOL I mean sprouts as in alfalfa, mung beans (beansprouts) etc.

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