Are you mentally prepared for this?

The rant could have just stopped at Predator proofing. You don't need to also asset that everyone who doesn't "kill predators," is doing something wrong. My Dad gave me a pistol when I was 16 under the seat of my truck because I lived in Alaska. If I ran into a Griz it was life or death. But I'm not shooting bear and all of the other predators down here in the lower 48 where I might own the land because I'm a human but it doesn't make me more entitled to it than they are. It's totally fine for you to do you as the hunter that you are, but it's just not cool to chastise others and assert that we're unfit to raise farm animals. I'm almost your age btw and I just don't use terms like "get this in your head," if I want people to actually listen to what I'm saying. Many people will focus on HOW you are saying it instead of WHAT you are saying. In fact I don't remember half of it because I found it offensive. Sorry. I'll do subsistence if/when I move back to Alaska but not down here where there is a safeway on every corner even though I live in the Mountains.
You do you. You do not have to like or agree with these cold hard truths. But there is no need for you to get emotional or upset for having read words on a screen (you read them on a voluntary basis.) In the future you may wish to not read what I write in an effort to spare your feelings.
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You do you. You do not have to like or agree with these cold hard truths. But there is no need for you to get emotional or upset for having read words on a screen (you read them on a voluntary basis.) In the future you may wish to not read what I right in an effort to spare your feelings.
Awe, that's so sweet, thanks. You keep righting, lol, enjoy.
Sometimes it's the human's fault that an animal eats crops and not the animal's fault, I think. One of my neighbors killed deer just because they were eating his tiny apple trees, but you can't really blame the deer for that, because they don't know. And the thing is that he didn't even fence off the darn apple trees, so how can he expect that the deer or any animal really are not going to eat them? Some people can't really afford to predator proof their entire coop/run so that's probably why some folks use pool noodles or other solutions. Sometimes it can be costly to fully predator proof the coop and run.
I do not agree with this mindset. We build in these animals habitat and then when they do what they have always done our first step is to murder them. What gives us the right to just slaughter all predators when our activities bring them around. My opinion is we should be doing everything we can to deter predators before we resort to murdering them. Install proper protection for your animals, get a livestock guardian dog or two. Murdering wildlife should be your last resort.

That is just my opinion and how I do things. Maybe one day everything I do will stop working and I will have to go on a predator killing rampage and my opinion will change.
well depends on province or state to be honest.

here in Saskatchewan any predator that endangers you or your live stock can be shot and killed, coyotes and coons are open season here.

plus the fur of lots of predators can be sold (if you have a trapping license follow all rules and regs us trappers get a bad enough rap to begin with) last i checked coons are going for like 10 bucks a pelt that pays for feed.
it's just not cool to chastise others and assert that we're unfit to raise farm animals. I'm almost your age btw and I just don't use terms like "get this in your head," if I want people to actually listen to what I'm saying. Many people will focus on HOW you are saying it instead of WHAT you are saying. In fact I don't remember half of it because I found it offensive.

Absolutely this!!! There's a pattern of posts around the forum from the OP insisting that BackYard chickens as a concept is wrong, that only farmers should keep poultry, that people who care about their poultry or see them as pets are not smart. It's consistently offensive to 90% of users here... but OP relies on people forgetting his name in between insulting posts.

If anyone new is reading this thread, here's what the established experienced chicken keepers on BYC want you to know. You don't need to be "mentally prepared" like some survival show. What you need is to be materially prepared with hardware cloth for the coop. You don't have to kill anything if it can't get to your chickens. And you can do it! There is not some special class of people that can own livestock! Gee Whilickers!

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