arghh...neighbor dogs

I've been in there several times, and they are being taken care of about as well as many animals could be, no one's in immediate or life-threatening danger. that being said, they do believe that what they're doing is what's best for the animals and it's not.
The cats are indoors, so the only potential predators are the outdoor dogs.

I like the idea of taking them to the pound as soon as they come over, because that way there's no confrontation(we do still need to live next to each other and get along), and one of two things will happen, either the city will catch on that there's too many animals causing a nuisance, or they will be startled by the city picking up their dog and will reinforce the fencing.

not sure I could afford an underground electric wire. plus i have 2 dogs(they are a slight deterrent to the neighbor dogs but mine aren't out 24/7 while the neighbors' are).
If the fence is yours, I say get your self a small fence charge and some light fence wire. Dogs tend to investigate with their nose, they should learn quickly.~$40
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you said you have tried to talk to them, you have carried dogs back to them, sounds like you are doing all the work and they are just ignoring you. I feel you may want to step it up a notch. tell them the next time you take a dog back that this is the last time you will return it to them, they can find it animal control/pound if the dog comes into your yard again.

two: dog fence chargers are really not that expensive, if you put it on the fence you will need to put a sign warning people that it is a hot fence.

three: i agree with the fact that these animals cannot be getting the care they need with that many of them.

good luck you sound like you are a caring person and have really been very patient.
Animal control is the best option for you AND for the dogs.

Its never easy dealing with things like this
It is tough, thanks for recognizing that. I've been on the fence(no pun intended) about what to do for 4 years. I do care deeply for the well-being of the animals and feel compelled to do something about it. but at the same time, need to maintain peace between us for the sake of my family and theirs.
I've tried to be as tolerant as possible about the dogs coming into my yard, but now that it's still going on and there is the added vulnerability of the chickens being out all day(I'm NOT willing to stop their free ranging because of the neighbors' irresponsibilty), it is time to step it up a notch. I do want to be rash and cause problems or hostilities, but I do need to assert more clearly that I'm not putting up with their little rat b@stards coming after my chickens
I do want to be rash and cause problems or hostilities

oops, I meant don't want to be rash

I've looked into making an anonymous call, and my city has a 311 action line for stuff like that, unfortunately you do have to provide your name and an address(which I think is more counter-productive than anything). I then looked into other agencies such as the humane society, etc. and I just can't seem to find anything in my area besides the city itself.​
Wow that does seem tough!!! I'm really sorry and I would be pretty upset if I was in your situation too!!!!!
But I agree with alot of these people too. I mean, no one wants to have friction between neighbors, but
you don't have responsibility for their animals. If they don't care about being courteous to you and your
animals, then you should not spend money so that they can free load. I'm sure that they're nice people,
and really care about their animals, but their animals are trying to damage your property (chickens). Now I
wouldn't wait until a chicken gets eatin, but maybe you could threaten to take the dogs to the pound if they
won't take proper pennning care for their animals.
I'd personally be worried about the mental/physical health of your neighbors. 40+ cats is a lot of mess that they probably aren't able to clean up after. A lot of people who hoard have underlying mental illness issues and with the amount of filth 40+ cats can generate the chance for an illness outbreak is pretty much a given. If you won't report the situation for the animal's sakes at least do it for your neighbors. One way you can possibly do it without leaving your name is dropping one of the dogs off at the pound and mentioning the situation to one of the employees.

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