ARGHHH! Two of My Girls are Driving me Crazy!!!

Apr 30, 2018
Tooele, UT
The first to go broody was Miss Pasty Butt...a Buff, off to isolation in our Broody Breaker cage...4 days later, reintroduced to the flock with a bit of drama that goes with it.

Then, within weeks, Miss Ameraucana...proceeded to go broody...down to the basement into the Broody Breaker...4 days later, reintroduced to the flock with more drama...

Four weeks after that...Miss Wizzygig goes broody AGAIN! So, Broody Breaker...4 days later, reintroduction....blah, blah, blah...

Today, Miss Pasty Butt hasn't moved and I now know the tale-tell signs...she's doing it again!

Every month for the past 3 months, I have had this going on between the two...I am now on 4 broodies in three months between 2 girls...this doesn't include the other 8 girls that haven't gone down that road yet!

Just wanting to get some chime-ins on this ... I'm frustrated because it seems a bit much and I'm at the point to let them is hard to do the breaking and since the weather is favorable, why not? I DO NOT want to put hatching eggs in with them...I am happy with my flock as is and do not want to deal with trying to find homes for any newly hatched clutch.
I have no helpful advice, but I'm right there arrgrhhhhing with you! I've been in the coop more than my house this month, trying to sort these silly girls out. Except, I'm doing broodies on purpose, and right now I can't imagine why I thought that was a fun idea! Spring is always crazy, but nature itself seems a little out of whack this year...

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