Arizona Chickens

It's not like that all over. The South especially

I live in a dinky town (graduating class was less than 100 and that's 5 towns and surrounding areas combined 20 years ago, my son is a sophomore his grade has about the same). Maybe I just got unlucky with the neighbors I have, I'm not doing anything illegal, I even got rid of my rooster to keep the peace. I know we should all move to an area with miles and miles of farmland, establish our own town, and live peacefully sharing tips and food and have weekly get together and we all live peacefully.
Demosthine, I want to thank you for your tip on using the oregano oil. I bought some of the super strength oil and have been taking it 3 X a day in water. My cough eased up within 2 days and the constant tickle in my lungs (which I think is from Valley Fever but don't really know for sure) is gone! I am a believer! Also, while waiting for the order to come, I had an accident involving an aluminum stepladder--bottom rung broke and shin was sliced down to the white by the top rung, nasty deep 3" cut that hurt like the dickens. I read the oil is good for healing wounds as well, so I am putting it on that. Still hurts some, but the redness around it is receding.

As much as I'd love credit for this (Wow, I sure get credit for a lot of things that weren't me...
), I believe it was @City farm and @LadyKotaDoria that were discussing it. Oregano essential oil is excellent for a lot of things. In fact, essential oils in general are phenomenal homeopathic remedies. Another thing to look up is Thieves Oil. It is considered the ultimate essential oil remedy for many things. It's anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral. You can add it to a potpourri pot to sterilize the air and help kill the flu virus, plus it may help Valley Fever, too. It's also a perfect topical treatment for wounds like your shin. My personal favorite ointment for injuries is J.R. Watkins' Petro Carbo Salve. Amazon had the cheapest price I found this year. Not only does it relieve the itching caused by your skin healing, and the itching, but it provides a protective barrier that helps prevent infections. The other recommendation I would make would be to use Super Glue to close the wound. It works far better than any bandage I've found. If you're concerned about the Super Glue not being sterile, you can buy NewSkin Liquid Bandage. It was the exact same ingredients as Super Glue, but was manufactured in a medical grade plant.

Since we're on the topic of homeopathic remedies, we found the best treatment for cancer is Black Salve. We tend to buy it from Best On Earth Products. It's a very old recipe that has been well documented in the homeopathic field for successfully treating cancer. The salve is used as a topical treatment for skin cancers, while the tablets are used to cure it internally. There are numerous other brands and recipes, but the two key ingredients need Bloodroot and Graviola. My Grandma has cured herself three times with it. The first time was a topical skin cancer on her arms, but shortly later she was diagnosed with an internal cancer. After taking a cycle of the capsules, her tests came back completely negative for cancer at her next test. This recent time, she had a cancerous growth that ate through her cheek. She applied the salve for about two weeks, and when they went in for the biopsy, it came back completely negative and has healed great so far. She turns 87 this year and is still living by herself, driving herself and doing well. This despite having a quadruple bypass three years ago and then having heart medications that nearly killed her before they were recalled.

Anyway, I need to head off to bed. It's way past this ol' man's bedtime...
I seriously need to move closer to everyone in this group. You'd think living in a small rural town there would be a lot of ranchers/farmers here. Surprisingly there is very low tolerance for those of us who chose to raise our own food. Even going as far as calling the police because of the crowing from my hens(yep you read that right). I suppose no matter where I go I will run into some people like that. But when the food costs are insanely high and I'm the only one with a full belly who are they going to come to for help? Sorry I just needed to vent to people who understand.

Especially in Eagar! Start a campaign of spreading the knowledge! Otherwise you just have to be a duck and let the stuff roll off your back.
I solved the storage problem for my extra layer feed. Since our caretaker moved out Sunday, yesterday I stacked all that was outside into the guest room! 38 bags! Of course it will be a little hard to show the room if we have another candidate
but at least the bags are inside and out of the sun. I am still selling this organic feed though, since I don't think I can use it all fast enough, while it is still fresh--so you all that want some, let me know!

After feeding and watering the animals, this morning, I refilled the sump tank in my greenhouse from my "outside" IBC. I then started refilling the outside IBC from the hose. While waiting for it to fill, I watered my plants outside the greenhouse, then did some puttering around inside the greenhouse (us old guys do a lot of puttering!). I then noticed one of my upper growbeds was overflowing. The way I have the plumbing set up, the only way it can overflow is if the drains are plugged. On the south end of the growbed, there are two 2" diameter drains with a 10" standpipe going into the lower growbed. Reaching in through the top, I found the standpipes completely clogged with roots. No matter how hard I pulled, I couldn't pull the roots out. So, I went to the bottom end and pulled the drain lines off, and this is what I pulled out....

I guess tomorrow I should do some more puttering and check the drain pipes on the other upper grow bed!!

I'm glad you got to the root of the problem!
Planning to build my own coop, but I want some help for the design
1.) it's in AZ so it needs to be able to be cool
2.) I want to be able to easily clean and access the birds
3.) it if possible could be "hidden" or incognito
4.) it should have a design so the chickens can easily run or have space to be relatively free
Thanks all,
P.S. Feel free to post pictures of your coop
I live in a dinky town (graduating class was less than 100 and that's 5 towns and surrounding areas combined 20 years ago, my son is a sophomore his grade has about the same). Maybe I just got unlucky with the neighbors I have, I'm not doing anything illegal, I even got rid of my rooster to keep the peace. I know we should all move to an area with miles and miles of farmland, establish our own town, and live peacefully sharing tips and food and have weekly get together and we all live peacefully.

Honestly, if you can't do that in Eagar, I don't know where you can, and still have a somewhere (not 20-50 miles away) to send your kids to school, local stores, etc. Shame that even in a rural town like Eagar, chickens are an issue.
Honestly, if you can't do that in Eagar, I don't know where you can, and still have a somewhere (not 20-50 miles away) to send your kids to school, local stores, etc.  Shame that even in a rural town like Eagar, chickens are an issue. 
This is an issue in Eagar? Holy sheez. People piss me off more and more every day. How do they think that people got to where we are today? LIVESTOCK
I've heard that you do have to get. A license to raise the bluegill and such. I wouldn't mind if it isn't too much. What people don't know won't hurt them either. Brim/sunfish whatever are amazing to eat IMO. I love how bright white and flaky the meat is. So who all here has a aquaponics system? I'm jealous because by the time i got a set up going it'll be time to move. I'd like to pick someone's brain on the subject so I can use this time to plan.
Planning to build my own coop, but I want some help for the design
1.) it's in AZ so it needs to be able to be cool
2.) I want to be able to easily clean and access the birds
3.) it if possible could be "hidden" or incognito
4.) it should have a design so the chickens can easily run or have space to be relatively free
Thanks all,
P.S. Feel free to post pictures of your coop

I recommend this all of the time---google The Garden Coop. Easy to modify, can build a 3-sided coop (within the 4 secure run walls) to keep the chickens cool, easily to resize for whatever reason, and looks beautiful. I did a bunch of modifications, including adding a little pop out to the run, external nesting box, 3-sided coop (4th side is removable for summer), flipped the roof design and used corrugated tin, and resizing to fit behind my shed, adding a little garden box to the top of the pop out. Oh, and I did myself with no prior knowledge of power tools.
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