Arizona Chickens

Amybody in Tucson go to the Urban Agriculture meeting last night?
I was a little shocked to find out that selling chicks and bunnies is against the law. I don't sell processed animals, but that's against the law too.
As a matter of fact, I don't sell any of my meat critters, but thought it might be a way to own them legally.
If you were at last nights meeting, did it seems to you that it was basically a re-hashing of last months meeting?
I drilled air holes in my nesting boxes so they get fresh air, they had been laying anywhere but there nesting box. And today I got two eggs inside their box!!
We put two more windows in their coop yesterday, it's just so darn hot, they needed more ventilation.

I've also been putting frozen water bottles in their water and spraying down areas that are in the shade for them to hang out and giving them frozen or cold fruits to eat during the day, but the coop has been very warm when they go to bed, so I think I'll put some frozen jugs of water in there at night and see if that helps.

The poor girls were just looking miserable sitting on their roosts the last few nights, so hopefully the added air circulation will help.
Amybody in Tucson go to the Urban Agriculture meeting last night?
I was a little shocked to find out that selling chicks and bunnies is against the law. I don't sell processed animals, but that's against the law too.
As a matter of fact, I don't sell any of my meat critters, but thought it might be a way to own them legally.
If you were at last nights meeting, did it seems to you that it was basically a re-hashing of last months meeting?
I don't think that's accurate info about selling live and processed chickens.
Yes, I am. Sorry that was misleading. My feed store (super duper tiny!) doesn't carry a grower feed. So we kept them on starter until we got an egg. We ferment the layer too.

Only reason I ask is because I'm not quite there yet. Chickens are still young and I'm still figuring out what I'll do for feed when they start laying. Just wanted you to know I wasn't questioning you or something.
Tucson City Code 4-8 says its illegal to sell or give away chicks, ducklings or rabbits younger than 6 weeks of age in groups of less than 6. I'm not exactly sure what that's about. Just a guess, but I think it has to do with how the fair used to give away chicks and ducks as prizes. There's an exemption for feed stores.
On that note, its also illegal for women to wear pants in Tucson too.

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