Arizona Chickens

OK -- I have a hankering for some salmon faverolles. Someone stop me! I've pretty much settled on silver-laced Wyandottes, Welsummers, and bantam black Wyandottes, but everyone needs a white/cream egg layer too! Anyone know somewhere locally I can get some?
I have a couple barnyard mix chicks (heritage silver-laced Wyandotte x hatchery Minorca) that I'd like to sell. A friend was checking out his new homemade incubator and turner and wanted some fertile eggs. They should be good egg producers. Anyone interested?
i might be interested. How much would you be asking? Would you take a trade?
i might be interested. How much would you be asking? Would you take a trade?

Here is one of the Minorca crosses (Wynorca? LOL) at about a week. I think they are about two weeks now. They are getting their little tail feathers. They are very energetic and haven't had any problems with pasty butt like the hatchery chicks I have. They are friendly and curious little buggers, too.
I started out with just normal chick starter. I haven't used layer until now. I am going to switch to organic soon but haven't yet.
I did do something to save money though. I started a fodder system which I will be switching them to over the next few weeks. I bought organic seed from azure standard. That plus a 20 dollar green house shelf from tractor supply. (They were on sale) so for less than 100 I have probably 3 months of feed. I'm 5 days in and i already have sprouted seeds.


I am current feed my chick with Big Sky layer mash from the beginning. the problem my chick only eat the seed the mash left over they don't eat that, if i add water in they will eat, any best food out there in mesa I can get without add water in the food. I remember some one told me about that, but i can not find his post.
if some one has any idea mix your own feed for saving money please show me.

Yes, WE LOVE living in the wild, wild, west.. Only here in Arizona, after the LLAMAS get a moment of fame, on Television... a COWBOY ropes them from the back of a truck, yeeehaaaa.

Not only that, but it happened the same day as the Tucson Rodeo Parade!
I went every year as a kid. I thought rodeo weekend was a perfectly normal reason to get a couple of days off of school. lol
OMG, Chicken Math got me tonight, big time!!!!
I won an auction here on BYC and have 24 Marans and some Olive Egger eggs arriving on Monday.
Holy cow, that's a lot of eggs.......hope ALL of them hatch. LOL
DH is still shaking his head.
What fun! Wish me luck.
I started out with just normal chick starter. I haven't used layer until now. I am going to switch to organic soon but haven't yet.
I did do something to save money though. I started a fodder system which I will be switching them to over the next few weeks. I bought organic seed from azure standard. That plus a 20 dollar green house shelf from tractor supply. (They were on sale) so for less than 100 I have probably 3 months of feed. I'm 5 days in and i already have sprouted seeds.

That's a really nice setup! Tractor Supply company and Azure Standard, eh? I think I may be copying you very soon.
I started out with just normal chick starter. I haven't used layer until now. I am going to switch to organic soon but haven't yet.
I did do something to save money though. I started a fodder system which I will be switching them to over the next few weeks. I bought organic seed from azure standard. That plus a 20 dollar green house shelf from tractor supply. (They were on sale) so for less than 100 I have probably 3 months of feed. I'm 5 days in and i already have sprouted seeds.

I'm doing this too this year :) I buy organic barley, what are you sprouting? I ordered some sprouting peas from Azure but they didn't send them with my Scratch n Peck food which I order every month. A tip: add some grapefruit seed extract to the rinsing water. It helps keep mold away.
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