Arizona Chickens

It doesn't take a lot of work. Maybe 10-15 mins a day and it saves a ton of money. I am sprouting a mix of barley and wheat. And thanks for the tip. I'll see if I can find that extract. I might just use lemon. I can find plenty of that here in Yuma!
It only takes a few drops of the extract, Whole Foods or one of those specialty stores carry it. I put in a spray bottle and spritz it a few times a day. I miss my lemon tree!!!
Congrats and lots of luck!

Thanks! I'm hoping for a good hatch.

Good morning all. Getting ready for the impending storm due to hit here tonight. My daughter called and said it is snowing in Flagstaff. So far in Kingman it is just cold and windy.

Here is a couple photos of my current egg bird they are the Barred Rocks with the RI Roo and meat bird breeding stock are the Barred Rocks and Cornish hen with a Dark Cornish Roo. My RI Roo is still young and does not have his feathers all in but he is a lover just the same. He will run full blast to me when he sees me and the stand there waiting to be picked up.

Just set 20 black copper Maran eggs ~ and 18 White Maran eggs hoping for a good hatch. I have Lavender Maran eggs on the way. Will be doing lavender and coral blue Guinea eggs in a month or so waiting for the breeding season on the birds I am after.

BTW if anyone has a lead on Mearn quail let me know ty

Good morning all. Getting ready for the impending storm due to hit here tonight. My daughter called and said it is snowing in Flagstaff. So far in Kingman it is just cold and windy.

Here is a couple photos of my current egg bird they are the Barred Rocks with the RI Roo and meat bird breeding stock are the Barred Rocks and Cornish hen with a Dark Cornish Roo. My RI Roo is still young and does not have his feathers all in but he is a lover just the same. He will run full blast to me when he sees me and the stand there waiting to be picked up.

Just set 20 black copper Maran eggs ~ and 18 White Maran eggs hoping for a good hatch. I have Lavender Maran eggs on the way. Will be doing lavender and coral blue Guinea eggs in a month or so waiting for the breeding season on the birds I am after.

BTW if anyone has a lead on Mearn quail let me know ty

Nice set up, your chickens will be comfy and happy. I, too, am waiting for the storms.....temperature has really dropped here in the past hour and the clouds are getting thicker. I'm west of you, in Golden Valley. :) Rain will be good for the birdhouse gourd seeds I planted by the chicken run yesterday. Hoping for some nice vines to shade the girls this summer.
Good luck on the hatch! I have 24 Marans eggs (a variety) due here on Monday.
Nice set up, your chickens will be comfy and happy. I, too, am waiting for the storms.....temperature has really dropped here in the past hour and the clouds are getting thicker. I'm west of you, in Golden Valley. :) Rain will be good for the birdhouse gourd seeds I planted by the chicken run yesterday. Hoping for some nice vines to shade the girls this summer.
Good luck on the hatch! I have 24 Marans eggs (a variety) due here on Monday.
Nice so far I am just getting the black copper, blue copper, white and lavender Marans. Are you raising them for eggs or meat or both?
Nice so far I am just getting the black copper, blue copper, white and lavender Marans. Are you raising them for eggs or meat or both?

I just have chickens for fun and eggs to share with the neighbors. These eggs that are coming are just for fun and to see if I can get a better hatch rate than the first time I tried. Majority of the chicks will be for sale, but I will probably pick a couple special ones to keep. Right now I have 8 girls and a variety. 4 Columbian Wyandottes, 1 Black Copper Marans, 1 splash Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, 1 blue Ameraucana, and 1 Barnevelder. I am impressed with the color and size of the Maran's eggs and she is a prolific layer and not yet a year old. So, I thought Marans would be a good choice for this hatch.
Yes, WE LOVE living in the wild, wild, west.. Only here in Arizona, after the LLAMAS get a moment of fame, on Television... a COWBOY ropes them from the back of a truck, yeeehaaaa. :lau

I wonder what would happen if we had our chickens running wild through the streets of Phoenix?
I can't believe the world wide interest the llamas on the lam has generated! I'm trying to get a new coop built but my phone won't stop ringing about it, just hung up with a UK station.

Acctaully there was a story about chicken's running wild in a Phoenix neighborhood.. It was last year.. . Some neighbors liked them and some did not.. You would have to find the egg nest pile, or boy would you have a stinky find some day..
Yeah, no whole foods here, but maybe next time my husband goes to PHX I'll hitch a ride that way I can nab some duckweed and grapefruit seed extract at the same time! All this talk of hatching chicks makes me want more chickens. I'm already at the max I can have.

I do have a noisy rooster who might have to go away if I can't find a way to make him more quiet. He woke me up at 5:30 AM, the sun wasn't even up. I grabbed him off the roost, stuffed him in a dog crate, and covered him with blankets. He was quiet until I let him out. I tried tightening his no crow collar more but its difficult for me to do. I think I'm going to get my husband to help me tighten it more before tomorrow and I'll keep in the crate until we can get him muted. If that doesn't work I guess I'll have to give him away.
I am current feed my chick with Big Sky layer mash from the beginning. the problem my chick only eat the seed the mash left over they don't eat that, if i add water in they will eat, any best food out there in mesa I can get without add water in the food. I remember some one told me about that, but i can not find his post.
if some one has any idea mix your own feed for saving money please show me.


Mesa feed barn.
%30 more nutrients when you ferment the big sky.. Better for them... Less waist & it expands more than double in size. You get your money's worth.. However our ducks do not like it.. We get them pellets.. Plus both ducks and chickens get a treat just about everyday.. Just pulled up our neighbors weed's, They were gone in no time.. This neighbor we get them from doesn't spray any chemicals in their yard.. Free flock food..

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