Arizona Chickens

I've got a smallish swamp cooler I use when the air is dry I stick outside the one of the coop windows and let it run till it cools down. When it doesn't cool down I run it 24/7. When it gets real humid I just run the fan. Around noon I start up the sprinkler and move from place to place. I also don't cut my grass to low it holds water and helps cool the ground and I do let them out all day. Enjoy


They sound spoiled.. Have you ever tried the omega-3 seed blend? A few of us went in on some of that seed, & boy do they love it.
We fence off a portion of the yard to let it grow. Then once it is established we let them loose on it..
Hi all! It's been awhile since I've posted, things have been busy around here, and then I had to catch up on the forum, lol.

It's been a crazy year in my garden. We got a good crop on the winter veggies, but not so much with the spring planting, I think that the odd weather we had messed things up.

It certainly had an effect on my peaches. The trees got a heavy crop, and the taste is delicious, but the fruit is the size of small apricots. I usually put a bunch up, but this year they are too small to do anything but eat them and make a big batch of jam. If anyone wants some fresh, organic peaches, pm me. I live in Mesa.

The other fruit trees are doing well, we got good crops from the mulberry, apricot and grapefruit and the plums will be ripe soon. The mulberry tree is over 20 feet, and further research has shown that under ideal circumstances a Pakistani mulberry can get 40 or 50 feet tall. I think that my yard might be ideal conditions.

I've finally convinced my husband to let me set up a rabbit colony, so in the fall I'm going to start raising meat rabbits.

I'm down to nine chickens, since my EE, Jubilation, died this winter, she was almost 6. The other chickens are doing really well. My Russian Orloff, Natasha, is broody, which I'm happy about, since I'm getting chicks in June. I'm getting Red Stars (sex links), Easter Eggers and Fayoumis. I'm really excited about the Fayoumis, since that will be a new breed for me. I'm getting 25 chicks, so I'll have extras if anyone is interested in those breeds.

My youngest is fascinated by the chickens, and I have to watch her carefully, or she'll sneak outside and turn them loose to free range.

That's interesting about your peaches. We were noticing the same thing last weekend--similar abundance as last year but somewhat smaller size (although not as small as apricots). Ours are not quite ripe yet, so we're still holding out hope that they will get a bit larger.
The incubator was such a distraction, all I could do is turn, check, humity, turn, check temp, bla-bla-bla.. Only broody hen's for us now..
However since we are done raising chick's we will only come and visit others & their babies..

Well After we get the shoe covers you are welcome to come out and see all of our babies.
I am nominating myself for a post in the Chicken intervention part of this page. I was looking at my babies and I have 78 babies from 3 days to 4 weeks and 44 on the way between three breeds and 12 eggs in the bator
The incubator was such a distraction, all I could do is turn, check, humity, turn, check temp, bla-bla-bla.. Only broody hen's for us now..

However since we are done raising chick's we will only come and visit others

Well After we get the shoe covers  you are welcome to come out and see all of our babies. 
ok, I'll come visit and tell me where you get the shoe covers! ;)
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