Arizona Chickens

So I'm in an advanced photography 2 at my school, and the teacher assigned us a high contrast portfolio project.

Chickensare my best subject XD

Because my 3 Polish (cockerels?) live at school, what better way to utilize time with my bird AND get an assignment done than to photograph one of them?

Benatar ( Who I have reduced to calling "Benny" because "he" was supposed to be a "she".) is a natural Playgirl model. I would assume when we have a female in the coop, he will definitely get the chicks. (lol, chook joke)

So I'm in an advanced photography 2 at my school, and the teacher assigned us a high contrast portfolio project.

Chickensare my best subject XD

Because my 3 Polish (cockerels?) live at school, what better way to utilize time with my bird AND get an assignment done than to photograph one of them?

Benatar ( Who I have reduced to calling "Benny" because "he" was supposed to be a "she".) is a natural Playgirl model. I would assume when we have a female in the coop, he will definitely get the chicks. (lol, chook joke)

Beautiful portrait!
Just a drive by posting. For some reason, I started getting BYC notifications this morning after a year of nothing. My PM box is jammed with old messages. I hope everyone and their birds are doing well!
Just a drive by posting.   For some reason, I started getting BYC notifications this morning after a year of nothing.  My PM box is jammed with old messages.   I hope everyone and their birds are doing well!

Still have the seed box.. I tried to give it to someone to pass around before we moved.. no takers, I'll host one more and then pass on.. I'll keep ya all posted on time & location.. let's get this going around the state another time.. we are in the middle of construction and barley unpacked.. so let's meet at a restaurant, or even Superstition Mall food court?? Please respond to this post or private message me so i can keep track of who can make it & take it..

So I'm in an advanced photography 2 at my school, and the teacher assigned us a high contrast portfolio project.

Chickensare my best subject XD

Because my 3 Polish (cockerels?) live at school, what better way to utilize time with my bird AND get an assignment done than to photograph one of them?

Benatar ( Who I have reduced to calling "Benny" because "he" was supposed to be a "she".) is a natural Playgirl model. I would assume when we have a female in the coop, he will definitely get the chicks. (lol, chook joke)

LOVE THIS! He looks like he's performing a heartfelt solo...maybe auditioning for "The Voice"?
Just a drive by posting. For some reason, I started getting BYC notifications this morning after a year of nothing. My PM box is jammed with old messages. I hope everyone and their birds are doing well!
:hugs :weee :frow Still have the seed box.. I tried to give it to someone to pass around before we moved.. no takers, I'll host one more and then pass on.. I'll keep ya all posted on time width: 500px; height: 375px"> [/URL]
Ha Ha! I completely forgot about the seed box. Where did you move to?
East Mesa.. 1/2 acre.. just planting a ton of moringa tree's from seed.. since it's all desert here we need to create the climate for our bananas, papaya & kiwi vines.. we have both male and female kiwi.. I'll use heating lights this winter.. also, started 2 different area's for our succulents.. i went online to get more this morning from..

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