Arizona Chickens

3 eggs in one day? I thought that was a myth!

She has not laid for three days (had them stored up). I know they are her's because they are huge and she lays with a rough feeling shell. I heard her clucking most of the day and thought she was getting sick. I guess this means she will be taking a few days off.
Been there done that..
Did you see my post where that silly CC laid three jumbo eggs? She is one odd chick.. fits well with the rest of our family.. lol
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I'm not an expert, but I suspect a calcium problem, either not enough in the feed or her not able to process it properly. (I've had quail eggs that were soft and leathery like this before.)

I would pick up a small bag of oyster shell grit, let her have it free choice, and see if that helps.
3 eggs in one day? I thought that was a myth!

She has not laid for three days (had them stored up). I know they are her's because they are huge and she lays with a rough feeling shell. I heard her clucking most of the day and thought she was getting sick. I guess this means she will be taking a few days off.

Whoa. A procrastinator! Yum, big eggs!
A family I sold some chicks to brought back a roo they couldn't keep and a few others that they got somewhere else and couldn't keep. So...if anyone would like a pet quality, very nice buff silkie roo please let me know. I also have two silver sebright youngsters. My guess is they would be a mid-late february hatch. Free to anyone on byc.
I got a leather egg the other day from one of my new layers. I just figure she's new at this and it was a little hiccup in the system.

Shellless. That happened with the quail if there was a shortage of calcium.

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