Arizona Chickens

Congrats to all the winners this month.
mahonri, I had 8 BWA hatch, 7 Marans and the EE. I will get pics up.
If you didnt already have your own army of farm hands, I would offer to come help with chicken chores.
AZ forum is flying! Won't get any better with all the celebrities on here!
Congrats to the AZ winners! And THANKS for all the insightful and entertaining contributions. Well deserved recognition!

Bob, sounds bad! Hope damage was fixable and not too many losses.

Welcome all new members!

One of my chickens produced an egg yesterday that is 82 grams (!). TT, must have looked like your avatar
My neighbor tried telling me that same thing. She said she had 72 eggs in the bator from her own hens. I asked "how do you collect 72 eggs from 10 hens?" She said took about 6 weeks to do but said that as long as you don't keep the eggs cold they are good if they still sink to the bottom of the glass. I thought that test was for eating them, not hatching them. Needless to say she said she hatched 18 out of the 72.... wonder why???
.. Maybe she will catch on..
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I had the shot in my shoulder last Tuesday. It was my first one. I guess I was right when I was a kid. 35 IS old!!

The wind has been an issue here. There was a HUGE wildfire by us and we were under a smoke advisory. Now my kid with athsma is a mess and another has been suffering with very red, itchy eyes. It looks like the fire started in Mexico, jumped the border, then went back over. The wind was not helpful in that. I do hope it stays cool. We are coming to Phoenix at the end of the week and have someone else taking care of the critters. I worry about them if it is hot.

Oh, and CONGRATS to our award winners!
Wow, you step away from here for a week or so and they slap an award on you. I have to say, I'm a bit concerned about byc when it seems a good idea to give me that award. I could think of a dozen others better qualified. I am deeply humbled. Congrats to everyone from AZ that won this month; your awards are truly fitting.

Bob's Henhouse, I had visions of the tornado scene in the Wizard of Oz. I'm glad it didn't suck up any of your birds!
My neighbor tried telling me that same thing. She said she had 72 eggs in the bator from her own hens. I asked "how do you collect 72 eggs from 10 hens?" She said took about 6 weeks to do but said that as long as you don't keep the eggs cold they are good if they still sink to the bottom of the glass. I thought that test was for eating them, not hatching them. Needless to say she said she hatched 18 out of the 72.... wonder why???
.. Maybe she will catch on..

this person refrigerates the eggs they were cold
when i went to my friends house to incubate them
they were cold that was 2 hours later so she
refrigerate the eggs
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Nope. This falls under "buyer beware" and "NYODB".

your right but lets look at this way you would think the people would
try to do a better job but they dont who ever ripoffs people god does not bless them?
try to take precautions on your seller ask questions like how old are the eggs
check if there not cold how much knowledge does the seller have
god bless have a great day
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