Arizona Chickens

My Delawares now 4 weeks old have been outside for the last few days. DH and I find our selfs sitting in the evening out back on the swing just before dust watching the babies play. They are so energetic once it starts to cool, they jump on each other play chase, jump on the perch together and rest, drink together. It's so enjoyable to watch.
Its my friend Miriam's birthday today, so i drew her this card:
Anybody interested in some chicks.

I have 129+ eggs in incubators with some staggered hatches. Some eggs I got from breeders her on BYC and others on ebay.
I do have plan to keep some just not this many.

I have the following breeds hatching by the end of the month if anyone is interested just send me a pm.

Dark olive green eggs
wheaten penedensecas
blue/black/splash white crested polish
buff laced polish
bantam lavender ameracaunas
buff orps
black aussies

let me know if your interested..

this is a good question if a hatchery chicken can be a good show chicken
feed stores sell hatchery chickens i did see at the maricopa county fair
show that people took hatchery birds
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So about 9:30 I am in the shower and I think "Hmmm, wasn't I going to meet someone special today? Now who was it? It was someone I hadn't seen in person before...someone on Facebook? No....hmmm.....OMG!!!! BYC coffee!!!" Dumb me!!! I totally slept in. I guess I like my Saturday mornings too much.
Sorry! I hope you guys had fun!!! Maybe someday I'll drag myself outta bed...

So whats the backstory for the ALOHA chickens?? They are so neat, I want one someday FOR SURE!!!

News on the chick front...we have an eye pecker. She is SO MEAN! She terrorizes all the other chicks, yanks them around by their beaks and tries to peck their eyeballs out. So she's been in chick jail since yesterday afternoon. I've tried letting her out twice (last night before bedtime) and today, but nope, she was still being naughty, so back in she went.

Question: how old are chicks usually when they get their wing tip feathers?
great happy because in 3 weeks i move my turkeys to my friends ranch
in queen creek so i can have more room to work on my chicken projects
we got some orpingtons from the two best breeders in the country
that won at the nationals one of them has reserve champion at
the nationals

thats awesome!!!! Lucky!

the part is not lucky is i am in a medicine study
to afford to buy the eggs from the best show
chickens in the country one of the risk is liver
cancer might donate plasma also
Hi Bethany. Just saw the neighborhood email list and realized that we're neighbors!


cool erin i am from mesa too

You know, I just noticed that this morning.
Not sure why it took me so long.

BTW, your tamales look sooo good!
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