Arizona Chickens

I'm having a problem with a rooster. This particular rooster has gotten sick repeatedly. Snot nose, infected eye, slugish. He was treated and got better. Well, he's sick again. I'm not sure, but I'm thinking its time to cull. Beautiful rooster, just a shame.

I'm deflocking about 50 juveniles, 50 chicks and about 20 laying. Some brand new layers, some laying 6 months. Pretty much every breed has something available.
Where in northern Arizona? It's a big state
I'm so sorry!!! That stinks

I'm having a similar problem with my hen Ivy. She is the one that was getting all of her tail feathers pulled out. Her tail feathers are all growing back, but at some point during the picking on, she got her eye hurt and infected. She's been through one round of antibiotics by mouth plus eye ointment antibiotic and got completely better. It came back 3 days ago, and now she's on injectable antibiotics and eye ointment antibiotics. She's getting better again, but if she gets sick again after this, I would guess I will have to cull her. I really hope this round of antibiotics does the trick, it looks like it is ... but it did last time too. Of course with all of the extra handling, I'm extra attached to her too. She does so good with her shots, she just lays still upside down in my lap and lets me do it. The eye ointment on the other hand is a struggle, she hates that! She does great on the car rides to the vet too. She was the star of the waiting room each time we have gone - LOL!
I have such silly chickens
We have canvas chairs in the chicken run so we can sit out with them and enjoy them. In the evenings, I end up with Evie, Gertrude and Henrietta all on the arms of my chair at once. They like to preen up there, and sometimes want to groom my hair - LOL! I don't mind as long as their butts are facing out! They are the first chicks I got back in February. My DS gets upset that they don't perch on his chair.
We have a Silver Seabright Bantam rooster up for adoption to a good home, he is about 13 weeks old, unfortunatley we are unable to keep a rooster and bought him on the intent of him being a her, we want to make sure he goes to the right home where he will be kept as a pet and not food. Please reply or send a message if you are interested. Here is a few photos of him.
I'm so sorry!!! That stinks

I'm having a similar problem with my hen Ivy. She is the one that was getting all of her tail feathers pulled out. Her tail feathers are all growing back, but at some point during the picking on, she got her eye hurt and infected. She's been through one round of antibiotics by mouth plus eye ointment antibiotic and got completely better. It came back 3 days ago, and now she's on injectable antibiotics and eye ointment antibiotics. She's getting better again, but if she gets sick again after this, I would guess I will have to cull her. I really hope this round of antibiotics does the trick, it looks like it is ... but it did last time too. Of course with all of the extra handling, I'm extra attached to her too. She does so good with her shots, she just lays still upside down in my lap and lets me do it. The eye ointment on the other hand is a struggle, she hates that! She does great on the car rides to the vet too. She was the star of the waiting room each time we have gone - LOL!

Who is the vet? She may need to be on antibiotics for a lot longer than is being prescribed if the infection keeps coming back.
Well, If I'm right my roo to hen ratio on the Delawares is 8 to 3. Eight of them have the barred tail and only three have solid black in the tail. That means 7 of them cutes have got to go, and they are so friendly.

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