Arizona Chickens

Here is an update of my last hatch. Kept 6 of the little puffy cheeked darlings. Stinkin' cute each and every one. Two have tail feathers that are longer and more developed than the others. Is this a sign of impending roosterhood?

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Very cute!
Actually, it's usually the opposite.
Pullets tend to grow tail feathers sooner.

Hi all,
I'm back.
There's no way I'm going to catch up, though, and may have to "duck" in and out for awhile.
My dad passed away a couple of weeks ago. Just when we thought he might actually make it.
I'm so sorry!!! That stinks

I'm having a similar problem with my hen Ivy. She is the one that was getting all of her tail feathers pulled out. Her tail feathers are all growing back, but at some point during the picking on, she got her eye hurt and infected. She's been through one round of antibiotics by mouth plus eye ointment antibiotic and got completely better. It came back 3 days ago, and now she's on injectable antibiotics and eye ointment antibiotics. She's getting better again, but if she gets sick again after this, I would guess I will have to cull her. I really hope this round of antibiotics does the trick, it looks like it is ... but it did last time too. Of course with all of the extra handling, I'm extra attached to her too. She does so good with her shots, she just lays still upside down in my lap and lets me do it. The eye ointment on the other hand is a struggle, she hates that! She does great on the car rides to the vet too. She was the star of the waiting room each time we have gone - LOL!

Who is the vet? She may need to be on antibiotics for a lot longer than is being prescribed if the infection keeps coming back.

It was Dr Funk. She was on two weeks of antibiotics. Within two days she looked totally better. Then about a week after she finished her antibiotics her eye started looking funny again so now we are on injectable antibiotics.
OMG it's like looking at my chicks in my brooder - LOL! They are so stinking cute!!!! I'm so tempted to keep a few too, but trying to resist, since we're trying to stay below radar on the chickens.
Very cute!
Actually, it's usually the opposite.
Pullets tend to grow tail feathers sooner.

Hi all,
I'm back.
There's no way I'm going to catch up, though, and may have to "duck" in and out for awhile.
My dad passed away a couple of weeks ago. Just when we thought he might actually make it.

I'm so sorry to hear about your dad
By the way, miss clean water ... I'm jealous, mine kick the water full of shavings within minutes ... think I need to switch to water bottles for the chicks, I hate shavings in water. Or maybe I'll put them on sand too.
But, on the bright side, wi the wonders of chicken math I think it is high time to get some BQ silkie eggs and throw them underneath my broodies. That should make me feel better...

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